𝙿𝙰𝚁𝚃 𝙾𝙽𝙴 °•*⁀➷ 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟐

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Belly bursts into my room, her brows drawn together in worry, mumbling unintelligible words under her breath.

"uh, Belly Bean? what's up hon?" I ask as nicely as I can, sweetening my voice as I guide her to sit with me on the bed.

Rather than joking my seared position,  belly chooses to flop face first onto the bed.

"shorry- yo are goshdjna hagtt mshee," belly says into the bed, the her words muffled.

"okay sit up, let's try that again, what's up?" Belly looks like she is about to cry, what is with this girl?

Belly pouted before continuing,

"so because we have like- no food in the house, susannah was asking me to go grocery shopping with jeremiah, and I jokingly said that you should go with him because you have issues and it would be entertaining, blah blah whatever, and i guess she didn't know you guys didn't really get along still so she was like,"

belly paused to take a quick breath, before make a horrible high pitched impression of Susannah's voice,

"oh my god Belly! that's a great idea, go tell Ivy to get ready," belly breaths out quickly before flopping onto the cushions once again, reverting back to her strategy of mumbling apologies into the bed.

not happening.

yes me and jeremiah had a late night talk, which I hadn't exactly told belly about yet,

but that doesn't change anything.

or mean anything, his slight charm wore off by morning, Jeremiah can still suck my balls.

we still despise eachother even if he knows an inkling about my dad, i don't trust the guy.

so no way am i going shopping with him.


I'm shopping with him.

turns out susannah is not so easily convinced.

so here i am walking down the grocery aisle, pushing a shopping trolley with Jeremiah's standing to the right of me,

looking like he just won the lottery.

god, he just loves to piss me off. so i won't give him the satisfaction, calm, sensible, level-headed Ivy is in the house.

We turn into the lollies and chocolate aisle, out of the side of my eye I see Jeremiah glance at the list before turning to me huffing, "we  don't need to be in this aisle Ivy,"

I reach my hand out to pick up a chomp bar, "I want a candy bar."

Once again, Jeremiah huffs dramatically, "but mom said only to buy what's on the list, she gave us a specific amount of money and everything."

Jeremiah then takes matters into his own hands, attempting to rip the candy bar out of my hand.


his snatching tactic failing, jeremiah then slapped the bar out of my hand,

into some lady's face.


"-and learn some manners!" after sitting through a twenty minute lecture from a whole group of old ladies about how this generation has no respect and back in the good old days, children were slapped for this.

well, back in the good old days you could get away with elder abuse much easier.

let's just say the old ladies were not amused when Jeremiah cracked a joke about how he enjoys a good slap from a girl or boy in a different situation, that had me holding back fits of laughter.

he is such a man whore.

now we had almost everything on the list, we were grabbing the ice creams last so they don't melt.

"okay, so you start waiting in line with the food and I'll just go grab the ice creams." Jeremiah states, and for once i agree with something he says, and he says a lot.

fifteen minutes later and Jeremiah was still not back yet.

and susannah gave him the money to pay, the controlling, money hungry imbecile.

Staying calm and understanding, well as calm as I could be with the intense panic gripping me, I call the number Belly gave me for Jeremiah,

it rings four times and i'm about to stomp on my damn phone before he picks up,


why the heck does he sound annoyed, this man at the counter is looking at me and asking me to pay,


calm ivy calm.


so much for staying calm.

"what is wrong with yo- oh shit, I have the money."

ding ding ding, what a genius ladies and gents.


"okay lady you have to pay or I am going to have to ask you to wait at the end of the line with your items," the cashier tells me, he has been surprisingly patient, unlike me.

"i'm here, i'm here, here's the cash dude." Jeremiah comes back, holding his money out at the cashier, or  dude.

what an idiot.

Somehow I end up carrying all the bags back to the car, thank god jeremiah's actually an okay driver, because if I was in the drivers seat, I would purposely drive the car off a very high cliff so he dies.

after slapping chocolate at an old lady, getting us lectured, leaving me at the register with no money, and having to carry all eight bags of groceries myself, i am so done.

"okay don't get all huffy puffy with me ivy, i was trying to get the ice creams, but this girl was talking to me and wouldn't leave me alone till i got her number," jeremiah tells me, like he's done nothing wrong, and i'm over reacting.

he left me there to get some girls number? the balls on this boy, i swear.

it's fine, what's fine is done, I'm calm.

"okay, whatever." it takes all my energy to retrain myself from mutilating the clearly small balls that he has.

"also you should tie your shoe laces," he adds,

it's like Jeremiah is purposely trying to piss me off.

"i never learnt how to." my gruff response seems to throw him off just as we reach his car.

jeremiah reaches under the boot of the car and clicks a button, opening the boot the leave the bags in. Taking some bags from my arms, Jeremiah surprisingly helps pack them into the car.

Seeing as there's only eight small bags, as i put in the last bag of food up the back, there's still plenty of room.

then Jeremiah once again surprises me.

he lifts me up and sits me in the car boot, then kneels down and reaches for my foot.

so much for staying calm, this idiot just put his face next to my foot, while it will be a shame to mess up his pretty face, i will smoosh him like a bug.

maybe he really did get bitten by a radioactive moth.

"okay man I don't know what kind of weird foot fetish you have, but get away from my sho-" I let out an embarrassingly girlish squeal as he starts to tie up my worn out blue sneakers.

"watch." is all he says, as he repeats over and over, tying and retying my shoe laces.

"now you try, okay?" his eyes meet mine and for once they aren't filled with malice or cheek,

only an unfamiliar look that i can't quite pin down.

eh it's probably just hate.

𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚
yay :) also add this to your reading lists for visibility <3

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