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I was wide eyed, unsure of what to do. I looked stupid, my hair was somewhat of a mess, and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet.

"Raven? You there?" I heard his faint voice call. Plus, why hadn't he called before?

"Uh, yeah just one second." I yelled, scurrying down my hallway to my bedroom, throwing out some clothes. I wasn't anything near a fashionista, so I didn't know what guys liked. But I did know what I liked, so that seemed suitable. A striped, cropped tee seemed okay, with an undershirt of course. So did shorts, with black leggings since it was cold out. I literally threw my hair up into a loose pony tail, and scurried my way back to the door, panting as I did. When I opened it, I tried to compose my self to the best that I could, which was a failed attempt. He was gorgeous; which seems so weird to say but ultimately that's what it came to. His hair was ruffled back, so it stood up in a wave almost of chocolate brown. His skin was holding a soft pink blush, followed by his deep chestnut brown eyes that lured you to look into. His lips were turned in as they widened, giving me a great big smile as he walked in just a little. He was wearing just a natural dark grey t-shirt with a black leather jacket that hung loosely at his waist.

"Hey there." He said, breaking my sneaky gaze. I blinked still a little dazed.

"Hey." I replied, opening the door wider for him to come in. I hadn't had the time to clean up at all, but at least it wasn't that bad. I smoothed my shirt out, wetting my lips too.

"I got you something." He continued, giving me an even larger grin. I rolled my eyes, wondering why he was being so kind. It wasn't even a date, we had both said that it was just friends going to hang out.

"What happened to the 'not a date' thing?" I questioned, as he held out a teddy bear. My eyebrows furrowed, seeing as it was indeed a cute teddy bear, with big brown eyes and soft looking tussled mahogany fur.

"We're still friends, friends can give each other gifts, right?" He chuckled slightly, and I took the bear in my hands. It even had a grey bow tie, which made it adorable. I appreciated it, seeing how I never got gifts, at leats not anymore.

"So I was thinking maybe we could just go out for a day, I could show you my favorite places." He continued, looking up at me.

"Where are your favorite places?" I hesitated, wondering why we would be going to his favorite places.

"You'll find out," He said in a enthusiastic tone, taking my hand in his. It tingled, almost electrifying my spirit. I put the teddy bear on the counter, making sure it was situated perfectly before leaving out the door with Liam. I didn't get breakfast, but that was okay. Instead of getting into a fancy car, or any car at all, we continued to walk. It was still cloudy outside, but he didn't care as we walked down the side walks. Having him hold my hand was something I haven't ever felt, like something I needed.

"Liam, where are we going?" I asked again, getting a little annoyed. We had turned many corners, and I was surprising myself by my actions. Being with Liam was easy, you didn't have to think about what to say next. nervousness was never  a problem; it only existed in moments where you weren't sure about the person you were with.

"We're almost there, and.. here we are." His feet stopped, his hand still wrapped in mine. I looked up, seeing we had arrived at a music store, or a music place. I couldn't tell, since the sign only held the word 'Music'. My lips pursed, and I looked over to him. His smile was adamant, bright.

"A music store?" I questioned, looking back at it.

"Not exactly, there's more to it than just that. Let's go inside." We walked in, and it was true what he said. There was no one inside, but guitars layed astray with other musical instruments that were begging to held, but I was no musician. The last time I had picked up anything to do was music was when I was in school. But all we ever played were guitars, sometimes the flute but that only happened on special occasions in music class. I stopped taking music in Grade 10, I didn't think it held anything for me.

"Do you play?" His voice hummed, and I turned to face him again.

"No, not exactly. I haven't picked anything to do with music for a while." I confessed, glancing around the room. He gently smiled, letting my hand go as he sat on a stool, picking up a chestnut brown guitar.

"I play guitar, and some piano." He strummed the strings lightly, his fingers guiding their way across them. His eyes fixtated intently on it, as he started to play. I wasn't sure what song, btu it was beautiful. It went from soft strums, to a faster, quicker pace. It was something I missed, hearing music again.When he finished, his eyes gazed to mine, smiling as he did.

"You're amazing." I said breathless. I was so shocked of how I was talking today, I wasn't myself. Or maybe I was myself, and what I was before wasn't.

"Not really, but I like that you think I am." He chuckled, before putting the guitar down and walking over to the piano. He sat down, gesturing for me to follow. I didn't know what he wanted me to do, before he placed my hands on the white keys, a few on the black ones. 

"Do you know how to play?" He asked, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to share that piece of detail with him. I licked my lips, moving pieces of my hair back. If I was going to play, I needed to be focused. It had been years since I had, and even though I had always told myself mentally that i couldn't play anything, just maybe I did play piano.

My fingertips felt the keys, registering on what I was going to play. That's when the song, Ludovico Einaudi's 'Divenire' sounded like a good one to start with. My heart was speeding, and slowing as I started my first song I had ever learned, the memories of me as child coming back as a flood.

Times with all of my family, the time before everything hurt, where I could be free and everything would be fine. Grandma's fresh cookies out of the oven, Mom's hearty laugh and Dad's great understandment. Juliana's care when I was down, Macy's small smile. When my teacher's told me I had talent, that I could dream beyond my expectations. When I could listen to music and almost always pretend to be playing the piano. The memories I've kept locked away that always came back, at some point. Here I am, living the moments again as though they happened just seconds ago. My parents love for each other, the night that father wanted to take Mom out for a special dinner, to celebrate their marriage. My fingers tapped furiosuly, anger writhing in me. The night that a drunken 40 year old decided he would ruin my family forever by deciding to take the car out and never come to the realization he might hurt someone. I felt my hand shaking, remembering every single detail of the night where I was almost killed. That, that was when I knew never to relive anything, to never see anyone again. That was the hardest moment of my entire being. Where everything fell apart.

I was crying. I was crying in front of Liam, the song ending as I tapped the final key.

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