Forget it(5)

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Chapter 5

I breathed deeper, Liam now soothingly rubbing my back. I had dropped everything I had in the song, all the things I had kept all these years, it all spilled out into that song. Honestly, was it possible to feel so upset and something like happy that you had gotten that off of your chest? My tears; are they happiness, surprise, or just plain sadness like I have spent most of my days.

"Hey, listen. You don't have to tell me, but are you willing to tell me what's wrong?" I felt a chuckle rise in my chest, but the thobbing pain in my throat  would barely manage against the sobs. I fought against it though, keeping my eyes trained onto the marble floor.

"You don't know me. You don't, Payne." That was harsh, but I was so upset at the moment I could care less whta spilled out of my mouth, but I did care that it was Liam; the one who has been so kind and caring to me since we had met.

"That's what you know. But I'm willing to know you, if that's what you want." I frowned slightly, but then a neutral smile appeared onto my fox figured face.

"You know what, maybe you will some day." I answered with honesty, not sure why I was suddenly so happy.. happier. It was all so confusing. My emotions are a complete wreck, as always.

"That sounds good, how about we go to get some ice cream, yeah?" I looked up finally, meeting his hazel chocolate eyes. Ice cream, I haven't had that in forever. My eyes caught notice of a watch on his hand, which read 12:32. Not that time mattered to me anymore, but I was quite hungry actually. I nodded, earning a wide grin from him as he placed his hand around mine, intwining our fingers. His touch; it was soothing to an extent, that extent being that I thoguht this was just going to be a friendly get together.

Not so much, for his eyes.


"I'll have Vanilla two scoops, please." I answered to the cashier, Liam and I both getting the same type. Two scoops, which were already melting when handed to us. We sat down at small table, and I was still finding all of this very... odd. The last time I had been out on a date was befor eteh car crash, before I ended it with Drake. He had been a type of bad boy, but he was incredibly smart. Except I was about the only person who knew he was smart, since he didn't exactly want to share that he was smart. I never understood why, because he had been so incredibly amazing in almost every subject.After highschool, I did see him again when I was buying some groceries. Turns out he had a girl with him, she was rich and classy kind.

Drake too looked different, with classy pants and a formal jacket. He had made it good, while I sat in misery.

"You okay there, you haven't touched your ice cream and it's just about drizzling everywhere." He chuckled, leaning over the table and helping me clean the mess. His eyes wandered up to mine, his brown ones gleaming with brightness. Liam and I, we were opposites. That's what I can tell from today, he's a shining and happy soul while I lounge around my house with my eyes full of tears. What could I ever offer him, except my sadness and tears?

I'm trying to figure everything out, my life is such a mess. Liam? Heading for a singing career, charming personality and a bubbly smile. Not to mention, he could have any girl he wanted with all of those beautiful things. 

Suddenly his eyes dropped, odd of him to do so. I've never really been one good at detecting everyone's emotions, but I swear I saw almost a look of guilt. One I've worn more than once, his lashes covering his eyes now. Guilty- Liam felt guilty? For exactly what, oh what am I talking about. It's not my business, but curiousity is a curse.

"Nothing. I'm just fine." I answered after what seemed like eternity. His eyes looked up, and he started to enjoy his ice cream almost purposely avoiding my gaze. I pursed my lips, had I said something? Or maybe he had came to his senses and wanted to get rid of me.

I slowly started to eat the ice cream, the cold frozen liquid going down my throat like ice. I sighed, this wasn't going to go well. But I was determind to make this work, at least for the sake of my super hero.

After what seemed like anotehr eternity, he broke the silence.

"I'm sorry, about earlier. A thought just crossed my mind." He motioned to his head, shaking it as he chuckled slightly. That was, odd I must say. Even more, he had been giving me odd signs. Like when he had said that he knew more than I thought, that stupid quote he said on the phone yesterday? 'That's for me to know and for you to find out'.

"It's okay. That happens to me all the time." I used a simple slogan of reassurance, my brain buzzing with thoughts.

Why had I not noticed this before, and just brushed it off? Somethign was up, and to say I was determind to not only find my super hero but to find out what it was, well that's an understatement.

But, why do I care even?


After finishing our while at the ice cream shop, he somehow managed tomake me close my eyes again. I sighed, relucant to do so but soon falling and giving up. He was persuasive, there was no doubt about that as I finally clasped my hands over my face. I ahted being in darkness, but at the same time I ejoyed it's company. But my hands fidgeted as I wondered where we were heading. Is this the point where he would kidnap me? Kidding, I know Liam would never do that. Even though I've known him for a short amount of time, it's hard not to see the kindness and warmth he brings everywhere with him.

"Are we there yet?" I chimed, getting a bit annoyed. He had been leading me somewhere, before he suddenly stopped, coming to a hault on what felt like tremendously soft grass. Hm?

"Open." He announced, and my eyes peered out from behind my extra small hands. We were in what looked like a meadow, or some sort of fantasy land with hanging vines surrounding the blank but fresh place that divided out from the trees. There were small flowers peering out from behind the tall grass, a few flowers hanging onto some of the vines near the edges. The trees were tall, and to be honest I had never seen anything so beautiful, except for one thing. Liam, and that's being overly honest coming from me.

The trees were dark, shadows crossing their path but light hitting the meadow where the grass was lighter and greener than anything. It was, perhaps a small piece of heaven hidden around darkness. A place where darkness itself could not reach, a perfect world. To say I was breathless was an understatement, the worst to be exact.

"Liam, how did-" I cut myself off, as Liam pulled me just a bit further. He reminded me a bit of a little boy desperately trying to show you his favorite toy in the store. I smiled, and I felt my cheeks redden slightly. For no apparent reason, I guess.

He stopped in his tracks, sitting down as he pulled me with him. His hands were so much warmer than mine, and he was more tanned and my paleness seperated.

"I found this place when my Dad's dog got loose one day, found him here. No wonder, it's pretty nice here." He mumbled, and suddenly he wrapped his hand around mine in a comforting and relaxing way. I wasn't sure what he meant by it, though. I don't know what anything means anymore, if this warm feeling inside of me is only imaginary when he does that. How Liam, with his wide grin and gleaming brown eyes. He was amazing, in all ways. But this wasn't what I was looking for, I was looking for my superhero. I needed to find him. I needed to lock up that warmth inside and torch the key. I can't be bubbly until I find him, I can't. Forget it.


Tell me how I did on this chapter? It was a bit shorter than the other ones, but I finally reached enough views aha! SO PLEASE COMMENT! I seriously need to hear what you think of this story, and what you want to happen. So, will she find her superhero? Will that happen, or has it...


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