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Raven's P.O.V

We stayed for a little while, our hands finding a way to continue to intertwine. We enjoyed the scenery of the beautiful sky, trees. It was a place to forget your troubles, to leave your problems behind. Soon after, dark was taking over the skies and he stood up, bringing me with him. He smiled genuinely, my hand still in his as we began to walk out of the clearing. It was quiet at first, and my thoughts were contemplating over my very emotional feelings.

There was something there, every time Liam smiled at me my gut had a warm and fuzzy feeling, every time he made a joke I would have a hearty laugh. He could make me smile for no reason when I used to cry for a bucket of them.

But, my superhero...

I couldn't give up on him.

When we arrived back at my door, I found it funny that Liam was always the one to take me to my door. I know its supposed to be like that in a traditional way, but I can't help but wonder where he lives.

"Thanks, for today." I mumble. My eyes meeting his.

"No, thank you for coming." He chuckled, stepping forward slightly. His chocolate eyes stared into mine with a comfort that I had never felt before, like you could tell him anything and by anything, I mean anything. He trailed his eyes down to my lips for a few seconds, before looking at me for some type of reassurance. I didn't know what I should do, should I tell him to stop this moment where everything seems to fall into place?

I didn't say no. I let him.

It was one of the best things I had ever done. 

His lips were a little wet, and they curved around mine with ease. They were soft, and wide against mine. I was shocked with this sudden move, my breath hitching up as we parted. My eyes must have shown my emotions, because he quietly chuckled to himself.

"Bye, Raven." He smiled, his brown eyes catching my blue before he turned down the grey steps, enfolding himself into the dusked darkness and city street lamps. I had been kissed, by the boy with the hearty laugh and the wide smile. I, the one who usually spent her days confined to her room with tears welled in her eyes, Raven.


His grey, dark eyes looked into mine with a look of laughter in his eyes before his fingers glided themselves swiftly to crash to my jaw, sending me backwards onto the cold, sudden ground.

My hands fumbled across the ground, desperate to find anything to defend my helpless self.

Realizing all too quickly that I was doomed, the impact of his sharp pointed black running shoes hitting my stomach made my hands now clench my stomach.

"Hey!" A sudden deep, but oddly familiar voice murmured from afar as another blow to my knee was made, the pain was unbearable to the point where I felt sick, tears spilling and freeing from my eyes.

My dark hair swooped into my view, after I peered through my lashes to find my attacker strained against the wall.

A tall, well built guy was holding back the ferocious being, and even though I have had this dream a well many more times, I had seemed to not remember this tiny detail before.

The light from either the the white crescent moon, or maybe it was a street lamp, had just been proving to exist in that moment, when it was as if my brain had been holding it back before, the light shone onto one physical facial feature, one detail that would give me the answers.

Deep, tree bark brown, luring, reassuring eyes.


I awoke with a start, my breath and thoughts doomed to my throat.

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