(8) All of This

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Chapter 8

"All of This"

I smoothed my shirt, looking up as I licked my lips. I had been in this hospital for a good three days now, and a counsellor had to come in every day. I'm not allowed happy pills anymore, or anti-depressants as some call them. No sharp object, and I have to go back to my therapist again. They apparently had trusted me too easily and now expect me to go back. I remember her telling me she wanted me to find my super hero, in six months. How does about two weeks sound, better?

"Here are your discharge papers, you're reminded your first session is tomorrow, then every other day from then." The older lady at the reception said, as her hands glided slowly over to mine with a few papers. Liam, he had been ehre every day, even right now as I was leaving. He wasn't going to leave me alone, claiming that he didn't want to take any risks.

I understood where they were coming from, but all of this seemed like I was a child who needed desperate watching over. I felt like a baby, like I couldn't take care of myself. Maybe I should have thought about that before deciding to try and kill myself.

"Thanks." I said bluntly, shoving them somewhere in my bag. I was wearing the same clothes, since I didn't want Liam to go and pick some out, or be in my drawers. I didn't know exactly what I was feeling, but I did know it something more than just a friendship between this humble guy.

"I've got the car started, here I'll take your bag." He said, a smile resting on his face. I sighed with a sully expression on my face, getting annoyed as I felt like I was being babied.

"Liam, you know I'm not a little child." I handed over the bag to him, and he just chuckled to himself. I couldn't help the small smile that was now on my face, too.

"I know, I know. But, you do know I'm not going to stop it. Not for a while, so I'm sorry to say you'll have to get used to it." He slung the small carry bag over his muscular shoulders, which were able to be seen due to the fact he was wearing a rolled up the sleeves t-shirt with a pocket. He really always did look quite attractive, but I needed to disregard my feelings for now.

"Well I'm sorry to say I'm not moving to your house." I mumbled, in a joking style. He frowned, before shaking his head.

"I already know that, but I'm only stopping for now, since you should get to know me before venturing to one's house." He said the last part in a fancy, british accent even though he was from Wolverhampton, that I had learned while we were playing 21 question yesterday in the hospital. We had done a lot of things, even played this stupid board game. He always came back after leaving when the doctors told him too, right when you were allowed to. I think the time is 7:30 every morning, and he was there waiting patiently with something for us to do. He drew a picture of me, and I had drawn one of him.

We both sucked, but I still had his neatly tucked in the small carry bag. He was a good drawer, and I particularily liked it.

Another thing he did was bring in his guitar, but he wasn't allowed to play anything since of the noise for the other patients. I remember he had made a face at the nurse who had warned him after hs eleft, which kept me laughing for a good ten minutes. He did lightly play one song, it was called Little Things, a beautiful one it was. Apparently his band had made the song, and I still had yet to figure out who his band members were.

Of course he had told me there names, and the band name itself but that was it. They were Niall, Harry, Zayn, and I think Louis was one too. It was called "One Direction", which I thought was pretty cute. I wanted to go to one of their concerts, but he had just brushed it off saying that I probably wouldn't like it. I doubted it, after hearing Little Things.

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