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"So, Raven. Since you don't own a cell, do you own a er, house phone?" Liam asked, gazing with his chocolate brown eyes. I bit my lip, why, why was he so.. odd. Not odd in a bad way, it's just no other person has gone this far to talk to me. Ever..

"Uh yes, I do." I said, fiddling with my door keys. I barely ever use the phone - no purpose to except for take out. We exchanged numbers, his cell and my home. He was, an amazing person. He's accomplished so much; going to college, finishing college, attending a year of school, and going to visit places like Canada and Africa. Places some day, I too wish I could visit. That's a joke, I'll never.

"Great. So I'll call you." He said, a cheeky smile resting on his face.He had features, that you wanted to look at forever. Any interest he had in me, I had no clue why. Or how. But then again, maybe he was being nice. Maybe some one put him up to this.

"Y-Yeah." I stuttered, finally unlocking my door. He waved, his piercing brown eyes staring soothingly into mine. Liam. Liam Payne, if I remember correctly, was his name.

I dropped my coat on my bed, once I had entered it. Today was, one of my better days. Actually, it was one of the best I have had. A day where I stopped wondering what would happen, and just let whatever to happen; happen. My eyes caught my reflection, and just like any other day I was terrible. My eyes had dark bags underneath them, and they were a dull blue. Something that you didn't find interesting like Liam's eyes. His eyes, you could see the happiness, see every emotion. I've probably cried my eyes away, and this is what is there to replace them. Nothing, nothing but dullness. It's all I'll ever be.

Nearly, I jumped, shaking after I heard the ringing. That was my phone, not something to be afraid of. I shook my head, cursing underneath my breath I reached towards the phone. I was hesitant, thinking if I should let it ring, or answer it.

I did the latter.

"H-Hello?" I mumbled.

"Raven? It's Liam." He said. I could almost see him grinning, his teeth showing. He was calling me? But. hadn't we just shared each other's names.

"Oh, Hi?" It came out more as a question, as to why are you calling me.

"I just wanted to make sure you gave me the right number, not trying to get rid of me." He chuckled through the phone. He had a deep voice, something a bit more older person might have.

"I wouldn't do that. You're, one of the first people I've shard my number with.." I mumbled the last part, not sure if I should have said that. He paused, and I wondered if he thought I was some kind of.. weird girl. Oh, dear god please don't think that. Maybe I was weird. That's not necessarily a bad thing.

"I don't understand why. There's nothing wrong with you." He whispered softly. I scoffed, he had only met me today, yet he was saying there was nothing wrong with me. There's plenty wrong with me.

"You don't know me." I stated simply.I heard him pause again, but the silence was replaced with a sigh on the end. It was then more silent, and just as I was about to hang up, he spoke.

"I know a lot more than you think.."  I frowned, confused by his words. Know a lot more than you think.. I repeated in my mind. What did that mean?

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"That's for me to know, you to find out." He mumbled, before saying something else.

"Would you like to go on a date with me, Raven?" I frowned even more. Why was he so ..interested in me? Why would he care about me, there's nothing special about me.

"No, sorry. I don't go on dates.." I sighed, this was hard. I did want to go on a date with him. But then, I didn't.

"Okay. How about you hang out with me tomorrow?" He chuckled, and I heard some shifting in the background. I rolled my eyes, not sure if I should be rude, or just break down, or hang up, or agree.

"Liam.." I began, but was cut off.

"Please? We'll just hang out, maybe get to know each other. No, romance." He urged, bringing me to a halt. This was a step to going out there, and trying to find my hero. If I could go out with Liam, I could go out and find the person who saved me.

"Fine." I answered, smiling to myself. I was getting bigger, I was going to hang out with a very attractive guy, one who tried everything for me to hang out with him. This was going to be fun. I think.


When I woke up, the cold air hit me like a wave. Freezing, unexpected. I shivered, I don't remember opening the window last night. It was wide open, my curtains flying rapidly. My feet rested on the hard wood floor, stepping across it while I closed the window abruptly. I didn't open it, I swear to go I did not open it. My lip trembled slightly. Would someone open my window? Would someone come into my house?

I shook it off. It's probably nothing.

After showering, letting my hair air dry, I remember that today Liam is going to meet me. I groaned, going out side on a cloudy day like today was not the best idea. But, Liam insisted. So therefore, I must. I remembered also, that going out today with Liam would help me get a step closer to finding my hero. I walked to the kitchen, picking out what I would make for breakfast.

Before I can start to pick something out, a sudden knock on my door startles me. I nearly jump in the air, seeing how I rarely get anyone knocking on my door. Unless of course, it's for take out.

I tip-toed to the door, making sure not to creak the floor. I peered into the peep hole, seeing the one and only,


Dedicated to xxCazzaLovesMusicxx because I love her story 'Total Eclispe of The Heart',  it's a great story! Also, I love her posts aha :) SHout out to her, go read her stories!


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