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"Okay rock, paper, scissor shoot, whoever wins starts the game" I told her as I shuffled the cards skillfully, "Woah, how are you doing that?" She asked and furrowed her brows in amazement.

"Years and years of practice" I told her and she pursed her lips, "It's cool" She mumbled and I ignored her comment.

I divided the cards, seven cards for each person, and put down the extra deck of cards next to us so we can pull them out. "Rock, paper, scissor shoot" I started and put down a rock and she put scissors. "HA. I win" I stuck my tongue out at her and she flipped me off.

I pulled out a card and placed it on the floor, I felt her eyeing me so I looked up, she was staring intently, "What?" I asked and she spoke up, "Don't cheat" She ordered and I busted out laughing, "I don't cheat, I play fair and square, same thing goes to you" I raised a brow at her and she nodded. "Deal" She said and I nodded once, "Deal" I said simply and pointed at the card, "Your turn" I said and she put a card down.


"UNO BITCH" I yelled and put down my last card, winning for the 3rd time in a row. "YOU'RE FUCKING CHEATING!?!" She yelled at me and I was honestly taken aback. "HOW DID I CHEAT?" I asked and she stammered with her words. "Fucking exactly." I stated and she huffed.

"You just don't know how to play, that's your own fault" I explained and leaned back, her eyes burning into my head. My mom opened the door, and rolled her eyes, "Girls, it's 4 in the morning, get your asses to sleep." My mom said sleepily, "Sorry, yeah for sure" I nodded and began collecting the cards as she closed the door.

"Hey uh, can I....uhm" She cleared her throat and I watched her, "Can I like....you know" She started again and I furrowed my brows. What is she trying to say, Jesus christ. "Spit it out already" I said and she huffed. "Can I sleep in here? I'm too scared to sleep alone" She mumbled in a fragile tone and I almost felt bad.

Stop feeling bad Nadia. Remember what she did to you.

"Uhm I don't know..." I trailed and she looked at me desperately. Don't do it. "Come on, please" She begged and I chewed on my lip.

"Fine" I sighed and she looked relieved. "You're sleeping on the floor though" I shrugged and her mouth dropped. "You're kidding right?" She questioned and I shook my head no. "Dude, your bed is huge, we can make a barrier with pillows" She suggested and I thought about it. It's not that bad of an idea.

"Fine" I agreed, and she fist bumped the air, "I'm such a convincing person" She praised herself and immediately I changed my mind. "Nope you're sleeping on the floor" I got up and put the Uno cards back into the drawer that I got it from and she groaned.

"Please, I'll do anything!" She begged again and I smirked to myself, "Anything, huh?" I asked and she answered desperately "Yes!". I tapped my fingers against my desk and thought about what I wanted, "I want you to tell me something nobody knows, something people wouldn't expect from you" I told her and she laughed, "Fuck no!" She said and I shrugged, "Okay then, enjoy sleeping on the hard cold floor billie" I told her and she frowned. My plan was to gather up as much information from her to be able to blackmail her....yeah I'm smart like that.

I got into bed and hummed, "Ooh, my bed is soooooo warm and soft, couldn't be me sleeping on the floor. Night billlll" I teased her and got comfortable under the covers. "Dude, come on, really?" She whined and I rolled my eyes. Such a child. "It's easy, you tell me something no one knows and I'll let you sleep on my bed" I shrugged simply and she huffed, "Okay, fine" She gave up and I giggled to myself. Dumbass. I grabbed my water bottle and gestured for her to start talking.

"I was in a gang" She said simply and I choked on the water that I was drinking. I coughed my lungs up violently, "Holy shit, I didn't see that coming" I choked through and she chuckled softly. "How'd that happen?" I asked and she glared at me, "That's none of your business" She mumbled and I shrugged my shoulders, "Good enough I guess" I sighed and tapped my bed before getting up to go brush my teeth. "Okay, in a gang but afraid of knives" I realized and began laughing. She flipped me off and I continued laughing as I walked into the bathroom. "Just so you know, some people have PTSD!" She yelled and I rolled my eyes, "Between the both of us, I have the most PTSD, and guess the cause" I said and it was quiet, "You are the cause!" I yelled again and I heard a scoff from the room.

I finished brushing my pearly whites and jumped onto my bed, I grabbed my phone and scrolled through my socials for a minute or two and plugged it into the charger. I finally set it down and grabbed all the pillows on my bed and made them into a barrier between me and billie.

"Seriously? I don't bite" She rolled her eyes and I did too. "Unless you want me to" I heard her mumble and I swear to god I shitted myself.

My eyes were wider and my face was contorted into a weird look. "W-What did you say?!" I asked and her eyes widened, "Nothing!" She quickly slipped under the bedsheets and turned away from me.

What. The. Fuck. She's so fucking weird...

Anyways, I slowly laid back down and reached for my lamp to turn it off. I turned my back against billie and closed my eyes to try and sleep, and soon I realized how tired I actually was. It was pretty damn easy to fall asleep and finally everything was quiet.

What I didn't know was the way that I was gonna wake up that same morning...

𝙁𝙤𝙧𝙘𝙚𝙙 𝙏𝙤 𝙏𝙪𝙩𝙤𝙧 ~ 𝘽.𝙀Where stories live. Discover now