25 Year's ago...

290 8 11

'Blink 3x'

It's my birthday!! Yay it's my birthday!!

Calm yourself dear prince, You know happiness is wrong for your kind.

Oh.. Yeah.. Sorry, I'm just so excited! Father said today is my day to find out my purpose, I wonder what it is?

I'm sure it will be something just so "great" dear prince.

*I wonder why we have this power? Oh well I shall be the best of the best no matter what!! I will make everyone in hell excited*

Happy birthday! Uh- Which one is this one again?.. There's so f-cking many.

Stolas, sir.

Oh yeah ha- Stolas.. uh happy birthday son, are you ready to see what your purpose will be?

Yes Father! I can not wait to find out!!

Ok, Here's your Grimoire, You can go to the living world.

'Shocked' The living world..! You mean the one with all the sinners??

Ah yes that place, You shall learn how to use your Grimoire.

I will Father!!

Good, Now! You are going to marry this young lady,

Isn't she just beautiful?

'Starts crying'

Oh- Well that's an ugly noice, Now how about you stop this b-tch cry? Yeah?

'Cry's more'

Oh.. Well that normally works.. Hmm, Oh! Kid's like you love the circus, Why don't I take you there? Yeah will that help you with your future marriage?

*Why didn't Father come with us.. He is technically here but he's not here.. I don't understand.. Doesn't he love me?*

Ooh hoo the circus! Now.. Is there a spot that's away from the poor?

*Ughh This is so stupid.. this circus sucks.. I just want to leave and go see Mother...*

Now! For everyone's favorite part of the Circus, The motherf-cking clowns!!

*Clowns..Really No one likes clowns..*

Ready Blitzo?

Born Ready!

*Huh?.. Oh..! He's-He's beautiful.. Wait! What am I even thinking.. But look at him..*

*Hmm Stolas seems to be liking that one clown boy~ he shall have him*

Hey everyone! I'm going to make a horse out of balloons! Just watch 'Pop!'

Oh- uh ha.. Do daa doo um.. WormHorse!!

...Well he wasn't always a sad worm horse, See he ate awayyyy to much candy, so they had to amputate his legs.


Ok Blitzo no more horsing around, Look at this! Banana pudding!

I..I liked his horse joke.. It's true there leg's do stop working when they eat to many sweets. Ooh hoo oh!

-After the show-

Ah yes Hello, Uh wonderful work yeah..Ha hm, Now! I want to buy that little clown boy~

Buy him!?

'Clap' Yes, See my son is lonely and it's his birthday and I don't know what to do with him, He just loved that clown boy.

Well you see Fizzarolli is pretty busy, He has more shows today.. So it would be extra for him.

Oh, oh no not him, The other boy.

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