Fighting..Once again

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Mm, Hello Stolayyy~.

.. Andrealphus, Why are you here!?

Mm, Well you see.. This is where my little sister lives, And she wanted to come back home~ So I came with, We gotta talk to you about this divorce~.

Well I don't want to talk about the divorce, I'm divorcing her no matter what you or anyone else say's.

Mm, That's the wrong f-cking thing to say, My prince~ See you maybe a prince, But no one likes you any more.. Must be a shame to be all alone, Isn't it?~

.. That's not true, Octavia care's about me.. So does my boyfriend, And I won't let you or your family stop me from dating, I am divorcing your sister.. It doesn't matter what you try, I don't love her.

Mm.. I see, Boyfriend huh?~ I see.. Well you must pay for cheating, Not being faithful isn't a good look, My love~.

I don't care, She doesn't actually care that I cheated.. She acts like she does for attention, Why the f-ck should I care? I'm not you, now f-ck off! And get out of my palace.

Mm.. Oh, I see.. Hmm I don't plan on it, I don't listen to cheating pieces of sh-t like you~.

You cheated on your husband..! Why does it matter when it's me but not you!? That's dumb as f-ck, I don't care what you say.. I'm done I can not do this anymore.

Mm, See I cheated cause my husband~ Wouldn't give me what I wanted, He said he was "to tired" to f-ck me, I don't see how he of all people we're "to tired".

Wow.. You really are an a-shole, You didn't get your way so you cheated!?

Mm.. Didn't you do that same thing? Stolayyy~.

No..! I did not, I cheated cause my "wife" is an a-shole and gets away with everything!! I cheated cause I wanted to be loved for once in my f-cking life! Why is it so hard to love someone!? I'm done, I'm f-cking divorcing her!! End of story.

Mm.. I see, I'm not going to fight you on that then.. But, I think you shouldn't talk to loud~.

.. Dad? What's going on?


Mm, Hello Vv.. I see you found out we're fight, Huh?~ How do you feel about your Father divorcing your mother?~

How do I feel..? Hm, I feel happy about it.. My Dad has been through a lot cause of my f-cking mother, So me and my Dad are done with her.. We will be leaving this week.

Via!? What do you mean leaving..?

Well I talked to your boyfriend about living with him till you can divorce mom or get a new house, He told me it was fine.. So we will be moving in with him.

Thank you Via!

Mm, That's not going to work my loves~.

And why the f-ck not!? I'm an adult I can do what I want.

Mm.. Stolayyy~ Why would you do this to my little sister?.. She means well.

No she doesn't! My mother doesn't mean anything to either me or my dad, She's an ab-sive jerk, She fakes everything.



Stella.. Leave her alone.

HOW F-CKING DARE YOU TALK ABOUT ME LIKE THAT!! Who the f-ck do you think you are!? Your a nobody, You hang out with worthless people such as your Father! And that f-cking "girlfriend" You and your Father can leave when ever you want, But just know.. I will win! You will have to live with me, Octavia!!


Octavia.. Apologize to your mother.

What!? But da-


.. I'm sorry.

-Everything went silent.. Blitzo called Stolas a few days later to see how he's doing, But things didn't end up how Stolas hoped.-

Hello Blitzyyy!!

Hey Stolas, I gotta tell you something.. But I'm sure your going to be pissed, but I don't give a f-ck.

Oh..? What is it Blitzy?

I don't want you and your b-tchy daughter staying at my place, I just don't have the room or the time to deal with it all.

B-but.. Blitzy... I'm all packed and ready to leave, I can not stand living here anymore.. Why did you change your mind?

I don't give a f-ck, I don't want anyone but my daughter to live with me, If you have a problem with that then get over it.. Cause I don't care.

Blitzo! That's not fair, You promised me and Octavia could stay with you.. You don't just get to change that the day before we move in, We are still moving in no matter what!

The f-ck you are! I don't want you! F-ck OFF!!!... Just.. Leave me alone, Ok..?

... Fine, I'm done.. We'll find somewhere else to live, And we'll find someone else to date.

Someone else to date!? What the f-ck does that even mean?

I'm done..! I'm living you too..

I..I'm.. sorry, I didn't mean anything I said.. Please don't leave me! I need you Stolas!!

You don't need me! You need my damn book, That's not me.. I don't care anymore.. I'm done.

No.. I don't want your stupid book! I want you..

... How do I know your not lying to me..? You've lied so many times to me.. I don't know what to believe, Blitzy..

Just believe me..! Ok? I promise I love you not the damn book, You can live with me if you want.. I don't need your book.

I don't want to be a burden to you.. Blitzy I just want you to be happy, If you don't want me to live there just tell me.. Ok?

I just told you I want you here! Christ on a stick do you not listen? Please move in..

.. Ok Blitzy.. I'll move in with you, Me and Via will be there tomorrow around 3:00pm.. Ok?

Yeah.. That works, I'll try and be home before you two get there, I gotta go kill some f-ckers first, But Loona will be there so just walk in and put your sh-t somewhere.. K?

Ok.. That will work, I'll talk to you later Blitzy, I love you.

Yeah.. See ya, Love you..

-They both end the call, Stolas packs more of his stuff for the next day.-

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