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Blitzy!! Look, It's my old clothes! I had Via in these when she was little.

Oh God- I sadly remember those.

Oh Blitzy there amazing, Plus I actually have something for you to wear! You have to wear them.

Oh no.. I am not wearing your sh-tting old clothes, Or Octavia's.

Oh.. Come on Blitzy, It'll be fun~.

Ughh fine!

Yay!! Ok give me a second to get it.


Found it!!

Oh God, Why is it so

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Oh God, Why is it so.. Weird.

It's not weird, It's amazing and you look amazing in it~.

No no I don't!!

Yes you do, Blitzy~.


-They fall asleep later that night, Stolas woke up to a note on the floor.-

‚Yawn‚ Blitzy..? *A note..?* "Hey Stolas, I did not leeve I'm in the kittcen, So yeah.. Uh.. Love you." H-he said it!! He said he loves me!!

-Stolas walks into the kitchen to see blitzo in there trying to cook.-

Hi Blitzy~ Uh, You need help?

No I got it.. Why are you all so f-cking tall!!

‚Laughs‚ Sorry Blitzy but we just are.

Yeah yeah.. Well what the f-ck do you want?


No, Food and I'm not food.

‚Laughs‚ Hmm, Maybe.. Egg's?

Can you even eat Egg's? Like wouldn't that be cannibalism?

No, It's not cannibalism, It isn't my child.

Eh true I guess, Now let me just go get the motherf-ckin egg's.

You want help Blitzy?

Nope, I got it.

Ok, We'll see about that.

Yeah yeah, Why is the fridge so tall- F-cking tall people.

Blitzo, Your sure you can get them.. I mean you can't even open the fridge.

I'll get it!


-Blitzo drops all the egg's after finally getting them.-

Damn it!

It's ok Blitzo, There just egg's.

No.. There f-cking food.

Blitzo, Come here.

Tch, Why!?

Cause I you have something on you.

.. Fine.

-Walks over to Stolas-

Hi Blitzy~.

Hi.. Now get that thing that you see off of me.

Ok Blitzo.

-Picks him up-

Uh.. Stolas- Why did you pick me up.

‚Laughs‚ I just wanted to see you better, That's all.

Tch.. You could have said that.

Uh, Well yeah I could have.. But I didn't.


Oh, Blitzo I saw the note.

Oh.. Yeah? How's my spelling?

Uh.. It's- beautiful.. Yeah.

Don't f-ckin lie to me.

I'm not lying to you Blitzy~.

Tch, Fine.. Now cause I dropped your egg's Which I'm sorry about I guess, You get a kiss..

A kiss!! Thank you for dropping the egg's!!

Tch.. Whatever.


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K.. Now you can't say I never loved you..

I know you love me.

-Blitzo and Stolas talk and eat for a little bit, Octavia got home later with her Girlfriend.-

I'm home.

Via!! Welcome home!!

Hi dad.. Dealii is here with me so don't be stupid.

Oh hey the b-tch is back! Hey kid, Hey kid's f-ck friend.


What!? I'm right though.

Ugh! Why did I want him of all people to come to my house, Why did I drive him here..!?

You drove him him here?

Yeah? Is that wrong?

Oh no! Not at all, I'm just rather shocked.

Yeah well don't be, That thing you call your daughter is a terrible driver, I'd never ride with her again.

Oh Blitzy be nice, She's kinda new to the whole driving thing.

Tch, I don't care.

Ugh i'm going to my room, Come on Dealii.. Let's go.

Oh, Ok have fun you too!.. Uh... not to much fun though.

Ugh! Dad!! Why do you have to be so protective...!! I'm not going to do anything!!

Mhm.. Well I just want to make sure, You're young.

Ughh.. Why are you so old!?

Hey! He isn't that old, He's just semi old.

Yeah, Right.

Bye Sir! Bye Sir's boyfriend!

Byeee Dealii!

Bye my loves girlfriend!

Ughh!!! Dad...!

Oh Octavia it's fine, I promise.

... No.

-Blitzo leaves a little bit later, Stella gets back home but she isn't alone.-

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