A few months after the wedding

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Stolas!! How f-cking dare you forget that I'm pregnant!!

I didn't forget your pregnant.. I just need sometime, Ok?

No not ok! You f-cking forgot to get my water!! I shall have you killed for that!!

Stella.. You say that everyday, If you care so damn much about the water then get off your a-s and get it yourself!!

What did you just say to me!?

I said get off your f-cking a-s and get your own damn water!!

Is that so? Ha I have a power you never dare to try and beat.

Yeah and what the hell is that!?

Your Father.

And!? What is your point I'm done living in fear of my Father I don't care anymore, Let him kill me!!

.. Why do you say that?.. You should be terrified!!

Tch.. Why be terrified when it's the same thing every damn time.. I'm f-cking done.

Oh? Stolas why do you want to give up? I've never hurt you my son.


Now now Son calm down.


Cause if you don't.. I will kill the baby.


Wha-What... Father... Please don't hurt it... I promise I will calm down...

You promise?

I promise!!

Hmm Good, Now get your wife her water.

Y-yes Father..

Good boy.

-Stolas gets Stella water then goes back in the kitchen knowing he messed up, Paimon walked into the Kitchen-

Stolas, I would like to talk to you.

Isn't that what your doing?..

Mm you think your fun, Well my son remember that imp you played with on your birthday a long time ago?

Yeah! What do you know about him?

Well, He tried to steal from some rich f-cks stuff and got caught.

Ok? This is hell what's new?

Well he isn't allowed in your life, Got that? I know your true feelings.

.. My true feelings?...

Yes, See I'm not stupid I saw the way you looked at him, You can't go around him or else I kill the baby got it?

... That's not fair! I'm an adult Father you can't tell me who I can and can't not see!!

Oh? I can't? Well see I'm in control of your daughter's life.

Daughter..? We don't know the sex of the baby yet Father, Why assume it's a girl?

Cause I know, You can name her but I know what day she will be born and her Gender.

.. Her name will be Octavia.

Octavia!? Why Octavia?

I like the name, I've had that name for most my horses as a child, I love that name.

Ugh whatever it isn't a bad name.

-Stolas goes back in the living room just to be yelled at so he goes outside, we'll he is outside he here's a sound.-

.. Who's there? Oh.. Just a rat.. Ugh I wish I could find him... If I even tried Father would kill Octavia, I just want one thing that makes me happy... What am I kidding I'm sure this kid won't love me either.. Why try? Stella hates my guts My father is an a-shole.. The only thing I have is Via.. And I don't even have her yet, What do I do till she gets here?..

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