Telling Stella

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Why the f-ck do you look like that!? It's ugly.


Tch, What's wrong with you? Acting like a little b-tch today.

*Ugh.. Your what's wrong with me!..*

Mom.. Leave him alone.

What!? Your taking his side!?

Yeah your an a-shole.. You hurt dad all the time.

Tch, No I do not.

Thank you Via.. ‚Smiles‚

Your welcome dad.

Tch, Whatever.

*Hmm.. What the f-ck do I say? I can not live like this forever.. I don't love her and I want her out of my house, I need help..*

Hey.. Dad.

Uh.. Yeah Octavia?

Do you want to go somewhere?

‚Shocked‚ Go out!? Like with me? Or I drive you somewhere?

No like me and you, Hang out somewhere.

Of course!!

‚Laughs‚ Ok!

-They all finish eating, After that Stolas goes to his room and gets dressed, Octavia goes to her room and gets her bag, They get in the car and start going anywhere they want.-

Hey Via.

Yeah dad? i a bad Father?

Hm, Not really.

Not really?

Your a great dad but.. You haven't been there much since I turned 14.

Oh.. I see, I'm sorry about that Via.

It's ok, I understand why.. Mom hasn't been the best to be around.

.. Yeah, Octavia.. I have been meaning to tell you something, It's rather important.. But it's hard to say and tell.. I have been hiding my feels for a long time, But I can not hide anymore.. I don't love your Mother.. I tried so hard to love her, But it's hard to do.. She doesn't respect me or you, She yells at both of us all the time.. And I don't want to be hurt anymore.

.. Hurt?

Yeah.. Emotionally and physically.. I don't want to act like this is normal, I know Blitzo isn't much better.. But he hasn't hit me, Well.. Not in a hate way- Uh.. I'm not going into that today.

Ew- I know what you mean dad, So... Your going to divorce mom?

Hm.. Yeah.. I'm sorry Via... I never wanted it to come to this, But I can not do this anymore..

It's ok Dad, I understand.

Thank you Octavia.. I'm truly sorry...

Dad.. I don't care if you divorce mom, I see how she treats you.. It's not right.

.. Yeah, Do you think I'm a monster for having an affair?

No, I honestly think it was a good idea, If you didn't cheat you would still be sad and not in love, You won't have told mom your done.

True.. But I feel bad.

Eh, She'll be fine.

‚Laughs‚ True.

-Stolas and Octavia go to stores and theme parks all day, They go home and Stella saids yelling at Stolas.-


I was hanging out with Via, Why does is matter?

Why the f-ck would she want to hang out with you!?

Because unlike you I'm nice to our daughter, I don't yell at her.


.. Your yelling right now.


Ugh! Stop..! What the f-ck did Dad do!?He has never done anything wrong to you.. Why do you yell at everyone? When someone yells at you you get mad and go to Uncle Andrealphus house.. You say "He yelled at me.. Why does he hate me so much...?" And you fake cry all the damn time, It's not Dad's fault your a b-tch.

What did you just say to me!?

WHAT EVERYONE HAS BEEN THINKING!! I'm the only one in this house that has the balls to step up to you.. If Dad does you go to Grandpa, But I don't give a f-ck anymore.. I hate you.

*That's my girl.*

Fine, Then why don't you leave.

If I leave Dad leaves.

Fine why would I care!?

-Octavia later left to hang out with friend's which left Stolas and Stella, They didn't talk to each other once till that night, Stolas called Blitzo and talked to him for about 10 minutes.-

Blitzy.. I'm telling her tonight, I'm done with her.. I can not do this anymore.

'Good I think you should have a long time ago, She's a b-tch that no one but herself loves.'

‚Laughs‚ Yeah, Your right.

'I know I am, I'm going now, Have fun divorcing that b-tch'

Oh.. Ok, I guess I will try and have fun doing that.. Um... I love you~ Talk to you soon Blitzy.

'.. Yeah yeah bye'


-Ends call-

*.. Why does he not love me?*

~Owl in a cage.. You show your age, Your sweetness has run foul... Without a change your lost, Exhausted.. By your time on stage! Then you walked in my room, Like sparks in the dark!! Life was suddenly thrilling and new.. What's between you and i.. Just a comfortable lie...! I'm the fool who believed when you look in my eye's.. Prince, All alone.. Upon your throne.. Your power has run foul..! You raise your voice.. You have no choice...! Inside your guilted jail...~

The f-ck are you doing!?

.. Reflecting.

Well don't! It's annoying!

.. Why are you here? You run to your family on Weekend's but on weekdays your here.. Why?

‚Laughs‚ I like tormenting you!! I want you to know what you did!!

I KNOW WHAT I DID!!.... I'd feel bad if that hurt you... But we both know it didn't.. You and I we're arranged for one reason and only one reason.. To birth a child for my family... Nothing more..! I tried so hard.. And so many years to make things work, But nothing got better... The only reason I have endure your constant teasing.. And threats... Was for our Daughter to have a good life, Nothing more!!.. But I'm done trying.. I want you out.. Now.

What the f-ck do you mean out!?

I mean OUT!! Out of this palace, Out of my life...!! I can not do it anymore... We are getting the Divorce!!

... What do you think the family will think about that!? And Andrealph-

I DON'T CARE ABOUT WHAT YOUR ARROGATE BROTHER THINKS!!! The thing the family wanted from us is already 17..! So I'm done!!...

Tch, Fine whatever, I wouldn't want to be seen with you anyways, You have fallen from the power you had, And I know you will pay!!

*... Was I wrong..? I mean I have been waiting for this for a month, I thought I would feel different.. I just feel weird, Like I'm a bad person...*

-Stolas and Stella don't talk for the rest of the week, Octavia decided to find Blitzo and talk to him about Stolas.-

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