Chapter 67

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Jake's POV

Fuck I've missed her.

I've missed her laugh.

I've missed her smile.

I've missed the way she makes me laugh.

I've missed her hugs.

Her kisses. 

I've missed her so much that it hurts. I had no idea this could hurt like this, I hate it. 

I just want her. I want her for myself, way too much time has passed. Why can't she just be mine?

"Enjoying your coffee?" She asks, bringing me back to reality.

"Yeah, it's good."

"Great. Why didn't you take any food?"

"One, I'm not that hungry. Two, I knew by the size of that sandwich that you weren't eating all of it so I'll just take what's rest." She falls quiet. "You don't want to admit it do you?"

"Admit what?"

"That you're full."

She looks at me. "I am full actually, and I'm not a child so I'll share. Here-" She passes me her plate, "Enjoy." She smiles, I can't help to smile too which makes her blush.

"It's cold." She brushes it off. 

"Mhm. Whatever you say." This makes her smile even more. I'd pay money, a substantial amount of money, to keep her like this. I don't ever want to see her sad again, just a happy Emery. My happy Emery. "We should go out on a date." I say before I can stop myself. Idiot, what if I scare her off-



"Okay, but there's one small thing..." She says, leaning over the table to whisper in my ear, "I don't sleep with guys on the first date." This makes me choke. She burst out laughing, glad this is amusing her. 

"Well, technically this won't be our first date." I correct her.

"We didn't date for over five years. The clock restarted."

"Are you for real? That's not how it works."

"Nope, no sex on the first date."

"We're out eating right now. Just the two of us. I call this a date."

"This is not a date, both persons know beforehand if it's a date or not."

I sigh and lean over the table to whisper to her, "Emery, sweetheart, I'd really like to fuck you. So please let this count as a date." This redness she can't blame on the weather, that's for damn sure.

"Gentleman much?"

"Gentlemen are boring." That makes her laugh. 

"Gee, aren't you a catch?"

"Oh, I am." I smile. "So when's our next date? I'm free tonight."

"Tonight? Eager much?"

"When it comes to you, always." And that makes her blush. "But I'm not kidding, I'm free tonight. Come over, I'll cook for us."

"I don't know... Isn't it a bit too fast?"

Too fast? I've spent five years of my life without her. How is this too fast? I want- I need her by my side, to kiss her, touch her, just be with her. I'm not waiting anymore.

"Tonight. Seven o'clock. I'll pick you up."

"Fine, but I can come on my own. I have a car you know. I can drive."

"You don't know where I live."

"Did you forget the night you got totally wasted and I had to come rescue you? Plus, you know, this-" She points to her phone. "Is a phone. People use it for calling and even looking up maps! It's a wonder! I can just type in your address and it'll show me the way to your house, shocking!" She gasps.

"You are hilarious. Did you know that?"

"Of course, I know that. It's one of my best qualities."

A smile breaks from my lips before I can stop myself. I can't even pretend to be annoyed with her, it's impossible. We spend another hour or so in the café before she heads home and I do the same. 

I didn't realize how messy my apartment was until I looked at it from different eyes. How would Emery see this? Like a shithole. I start by gathering all the socks around the apartment and throwing them into the basket, then I vacuum the floor and clean the kitchen table and the table by the couch. There's so much dust here, when was the last time I cleaned?

Apparently long ago. I find some empty beer cans and trow them in the trash along with some leftover food in the fridge. That's also when I see that I have no food. I just promised my girl- Emery, I'd cook and I don't even have food. Fucking fantastic. 

Grabbing my keys and quickly putting on a jacket I get in my car and drive to the store. The weather is looking pretty bad, already raining. 

The parking lot is surprisingly empty, finding a spot right by the entrance I park the car and head in. Walking quickly so I won't get too wet. What am I even going to buy? Maybe should've thought about this sooner, good one there Jake.

I take a basket and start walking to the refrigerated section. Fresh pasta maybe? With some salsa? Simple, but delicious. Just like her.

I grab a package of fresh pasta and head for the section with canned tomatoes. I grab two of those and then some fresh herbs. I have onions and oil at home so no need to buy that. I also grab some chocolate, you can never go wrong with dessert.

Should I buy flowers too? Will she be expecting flowers? Will she be disappointed if I don't buy then? It's been too long since I've dated. Especially a girl like Emery. She's too special. 

Grabbing a rose I head for the register to pay. Once that's done I take the bad and look outside. It's pouring now. Running to my car, I put the groceries on the passenger's seat and take my phone out of my pocket.

Me: Sure you don't want me to come get you?

At this point I don't care what she says, I don't want her to drive in this weather.

Emery: Yes, I'm sure. You think a little rain will stop me?

Me: Emery I'm not kidding. It's pouring, even I hate driving in this.

Emery: Should we postpone then? I didn't think it'll rain next week.

Next week? Does she really expect me to wait seven whole days for her? Fuck no.

Me: I'll be there at 6:45, be ready.

Putting the phone away I put the car in reverse and head home. 

I'd drive through a storm just to be with her.

--- --- --- --- --- --- 

I feel like I'm coming to an end with this book and I don't know how to process it 😭

But I really hope you guys like it!!

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