Chapter 49

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Emery's POV


"I will!" I tell grandma and hug her one last time before walking outside. It's hot and it's only May. Wow, how England has changed. I grab my bags and head to the airport security and then after that to a café. I order a sandwich and find a table to sit at.

I wonder where he is? He should be here now. 

I grab my smaller bag and take out my phone. He's not the best at responding quickly but I have to try.

Me: Where are you? I'm not going home without my boyfriend, haha. 

I put the phone down and start eating. It's pretty good. No- That was a lie. It's amazing. It's mozzarella with tomato and it's toasted. Perfection. 

While I'm sitting and enjoying my food I see a familiar face running towards me.

"Well well well, look who decided to show up." I say.

"Sorry, I wanted to buy something first."He says and kisses me.

"You want something? They have a lot of options?" I ask him and point towards the counter with food. 

"Yeah, I'll be right back." 

He orders a panini with pesto, I taste a little bit and it's actually good. I'm not a big fan of pesto but this, this I would eat. 

We sit at the café for a while before having to leave to board the plane.

We give the tickets to the woman. "Emery-" she says and checks my ticket. "-and Michael." She says and checks his. "Great. You have seats 8B and 8C. Enjoy the flight. " We board the plane without any problems and find our seats. 

The plane ride home is long but it goes by pretty quick. We watch a few movies and fall asleep after them. When we've arrived at the airport we get our bags and are greeted by Auden and Oliver at the parking lot. They offered to drive us home and why say no to a free ride? 

And I missed him of course.

"So how was England?" Auden asks as we all get into the car.

"Amazing, just like before. Oh! And grandma sent you a gift. I'll give it to you later when we're home." I say. "But how are things at home?"

"The same." He laughs. "Jaelyn has gotten so big, she's already five. Crazy how fast time has gone." 

"Yeah, I hate that I've missed so much of her life. Between going to England and back home... At least she hasn't forgotten me." I laugh.

"She has definitely not." Oliver says. "She keeps asking when her big sister is coming home." 

Aww! I miss her so much!

We talk about everything on the ride home. How life has been in England and how life is here. I can't wait to meet Ally and Andrea too! I haven't seen them in a whole year. I remember the days where we couldn't go one day without seeing each other. Crazy how life just changes like that.

Once we're home I open the door and expect mom, dad, and Jaelyn to stand there with their arms open but nope. They're all sitting in the living room watching Spongebob. 

"You choose to see a yellow sponge over your daughter and sister? Wow." I act offended.

"Emery!" Jaelyn gets up from the couch and runs straight into my arms. 

"Emery? We thought you'd be here at two!" Mom says.

"It is two..." I laugh.

Mom and dad look at each other. "Having a kid again really messes with your head." Dad says. 

We sit down on the couch and they ask me and Michael all sorts of questions. I mean, who can blame them? We've been dating for three years now. Pretty serious.

After a while, Michael has to leave to meet up with some friends. "Goodbye, Michael." Mom says and hugs him. "It was great seeing you again."

"Great seeing you again." Dad says and shakes his hand.

"Bye, Mike!" Jaelyn smiles.

I hug him. "Mike. I like that name." 


I nod and kiss him. "You will be Mike to her from now on." 

He laughs and says goodbye to everyone again and then leaves. 

"So... What now?" Auden asks.

"Ally and Andrea. Just have to change." I say and run up to my room. It's funny that everything has stayed the exact same while I was gone. I thought 100% that mom would throw some stuff out. She gets into these cleaning periods and boy, you do not want to be near her then.

I change into jeans and a t-shirt, it's hot outside here too. Once I'm finished I walk downstairs and say goodbye to all before heading to the café where we decided to meet up. They are already there which is surprising considering I'm the one who's always first. 

"Heeeeeeey!" I say and walk up to them. They scream and jump up to hug me. All three at the same time, that works too.

"It's been so long!" Andrea says.

"It really has!" Ally adds.

"I know, I know! I'm sorry. I've been caught up with traveling and Michael."

They look at each other. "Ooo, Michael huh? Has he popped the question?"

"What?! God, no! Way too early!" I laugh. "We're just dating now, we'll see where it goes." 

We sit down and start talking about everything. But out of nowhere my eyes are drawn to the left of me.

Is that- Omg, it is... He looks so different. So... Happy? We lock eye contact and both of our smiles fade. Every memory. Every kiss. Every tear. All of it rush back. Before I know it he's here at our table.

"Emery? Hi." He says. Clearly nervous and have no idea what to say next.

"Yeah, hi!" I say and hug him. He sighs as I touch him. I do too. "What ehm... What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Just walking around a bit. Get out of the house you know." He laughs.

"Hahaha, yeah." Awkward silence. 

Then all of a sudden a woman comes up to him and slides her arm around him.

"Babe, they didn't have the hat I wanted. we have to look in other stores too." He looks at her nervously and stays quiet. She looks at me, tilts her head, and reaches out her hand. 

"Hi! I'm Ava. His fiancé." 

--- --- --- --- --- ---

I already hate her, hahaha.


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