Chapter 53

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Auden's POV

"Auden? Aren't you on your date?" 

"Yeah, I'm here..."

"Okay... So why exactly are you calling?"

"I just... I don't know..."

"Are you okay? You sound out of br-"

"I'M FREAKING OUT EMERY! I'm totally freaking out!"

"Okay, woah! Calm down Auden! What's going on? Is Oliver okay? Did you propose yet?"

"No, that's the thing. I'm freaking out over the proposal. I have no idea what I'm doing. Am I too young? Will he even say yes? Did I think this through?" I lean against the wall.

"Calm down! Auden of course you've thought this through."

"I know but-"

"Do you love him?" She cuts me off. 

"With all my heart."

"And can you see a future with him?"

"Yes, I can."

"Then what's the problem? Go out there, get your ass on the chair, eat some fancy food and propose!"

"You're right. You're right. Thanks, really."

"Always here to... Help you propose I guess." We both laugh.

"You're always here for me Emery. I just want you to know that I appreciate it a lot."

"Of course, I'm here for you. That's what big sisters are for. Now hang up and go propose!" I laugh, and we say goodbye. 

I look at myself in the mirror, straighten my tie and walk back out to the table.

"Sorry, there was a line." I say as I sit down.

"A line for the men's room? Odd." He laughs.

"Yeah." I laugh too. "But I'm back now."

We start talking about our relationship. How it all began, how our first date went, and before I knew it we were given the dessert menu. 

"Was everything alright? Were you satisfied with your food?" Anne asks.

"Yes, very. The soup was terrific, very good." I smile.

"Same here, the pasta was just perfect. Your chef knows his food." Oliver laughs and Anne joins him.

"He really does." She smiles "Have you decided on any dessert or would you like some more time?"

"Some more time for me, there's a whole page here." I laugh.

"Yeah, maybe another minute or two would be good." Oliver smiles and Anne nods and heads to the kitchen with our plates.

"So... Dessert." I say and look at the menu. "What are you having?" 

"Hmm... Maybe the chocolate cake? It sounds so good." 

"Yeah, I'm thinking about the strawberry cheesecake. Haven't had that in ages." I say.

Oliver puts his menu down on the table. "Hey, there's actually something-"

"Have we decided on a dessert?" Anne comes back and unknowingly cuts him off. That was a quick two minutes.

"Ehh, yeah. I'll have the chocolate cake and he'll have the strawberry cheesecake, thank you."

She takes the order and walks away to the kitchen. I look at Oliver, waiting for him to finish what he wanted to say. But he doesn't. "What did you want to say before?" I ask, nervously laughing.

"Oh, ehm... Nothing important." He smiles.

"Oh okay." I smile back. Then we just sit there in awkward silence until our desserts are served. 

We make some small talk while eating but I just can't wait any longer. And I think he notices that I'm nervous cause he's starting to get nervous too. This is a disaster. If I do it now all the awkwardness and silence will stop and we can be ourselves again.

I put my spoon down and grab his hands. "Okay... I haven't practiced this so bear with me." I chuckle. "When I met you it was all fresh, I had just noticed that girls didn't make me happy, well they didn't make me as happy as you made me, as you make me. You were my first. My first kiss with a guy, my first time, my first real love. And I really hope that you'll be my last. I don't want to experience this with anyone else, just you. The way you make me happy by just looking at you, I laugh when you laugh, I'm sad when you're sad, I just... I love you so much." I let go of his hands, and get down on one knee next to his chair. The box in my pocket makes its way to my hands. "Oliver I love you so much more than I can ever explain. And if you love me as much as I love you I hope that you'll want to spend the rest of your life together with me. Will you be my husband?" I open the box and he gasps.

"You didn't." He says and puts his hand over his mouth. "Wait no, I-" He's out of breath.



"I- I thought you wanted this." I say, my smile slowly fading away.

He lets out a small breath and a single tear rolls down his cheek. "I don't-" He gets out of his chair and sits on the floor in front of me.

This is not happening... 

He looks at the box in my hand and starts laughing. "Wh- What's wrong?" I say, very confused by the situation.

"Auden I love you too, so so much. In fact-" He reaches into his pocket and takes a box out. "I also wanted to do this." He opens the box, revealing a ring.

I just stare at him, mouth wide open and eyes filled with tears.

"You made me believe that you didn't want to get married!" I say and hit his arm. "You can't play with my emotions like that." I bury my face in my hands.

He laughs then takes my face in his hands. "Auden, I love you so much it hurts. All I want to do is spend my life with you. Will you be my husband?" I smile, tears running down both cheeks, and nod. He starts smiling too and places his ring on my finger, I do the same with my ring on his finger. We laugh and kiss each other. I'm so relieved. For a moment there I forgot that we were both sitting on the floor, crying.

We stand up and immediately hear the claps from all the guests in the restaurant. I smile and Oliver is blushing. 

We hear many 'Congratulations!' from all over and we just smile.

"Feels like a movie." I whisper in his ear.

He looks into the eyes. "It really does." And kisses me.

--- --- --- --- --- ---

I'm so happy! They deserved this!

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