Chapter 35

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Let's just get on with it, hahaha.

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Emery's POV

He's staring at me. Not once has he looked at the teacher or the blackboard. Just me. The way I'm sitting I can see him without looking, he's still staring at me.

"Emery. Would you mind answering the question?" Mrs. Williams asks.

"Yes... Of course. It's 82." 

"Correct." WHAT. How even? I don't show that I'm surprised I just smile and she moves on. 

Gabriel, the guy that sits next to me, gives me a note. I give him a 'What's this?' look. He shrugs his shoulders and goes back to taking notes. I open the note. 

'Please Emery, meet me after school. You don't know what happened. Just give me a chance. - Jake.' 

Is he kidding? I crumple the paper in my hands and toss it aside. 

"You'll be doing this next part in groups. And I have already assigned you two and two and NO switching." Oh no...  "Sandra and Emma. Andrew and Peter. Carlos and Maria. Andrea and David. Emery and Jake..." I stop listening. No. No. No. NO! "Go and find your partner and study pages 170 to 185."

I quickly get up and walk down to her desk. "Mrs. Williams I can't work with Jake. Please change me to a different group."

"You know the rules Emery, no switching. Besides Jake asked to be in the same group as you and that's what he got. Go on now and start studying." Fuck... When I turn around again Andrea is not in her seat next to me, she's on the other side of the classroom with David and gives me a sympathetic smile. 

I walk back to my seat head up. This is not going to bother me or my schoolwork. I take my seat next to Jake and feel the comfort that I used to feel. But I don't want to feel it now. It's different. "Turn the page to 170 as Mrs. Williams said." I flatly said without looking at him. 


"Turn your page. To 170. As Mrs. Williams said. Do the questions and don't talk to me." He sighs but does as he's told. 

About ten minutes in I'm already done with the first two and a half pages. I work really fast when I'm not talking to anyone. 

"Emery-" He whispers.

"Don't. Just don't Jake."

"I just-"

"Enough!" I realize I said that a little too loud.

"Do we have a problem, Emery?"

I clear my throat. "No, Mrs. Williams." I smile.

"Good. Return to math now." I nod and look back to my book.

He starts whispering again. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-" ENOUGH. I grab Jake's arm, hard, and drag him out of the classroom. 


"Emery you never let me explain! Just listen to me!" He shouts back.

"Are you actually mad at me for not listening?! Would you listen to yourself?! You told people that I had sucked your dick in the bathroom and on top of that you were drunk! Why THE FUCK should I listen to you!? And what, do you really expect me to forgive you? You can't possibly be that stupid." I laugh. "YOU decided to let them believe something that didn't happen. YOU let them believe the lie. YOU didn't even try to tell them otherwise. YOU are the reason this relationship fucked up! YOU. You and you alone. So don't you fucking dare come with your excuses cause I'm done."

"You're done? Done with what Emey?" He says, still angry.

"I'm done with you."

"No, you're not."

"Yes. I. Am." I say and turn around but he grabs my arm before I start walking.

"You've had your turn to talk. Now it's my turn." 

"Let me go!" I say and try to get my arm free.

"If I let you go, will you listen?"

I look at him for a good while. Let's just get over with it, I'll listen to him then I'll go. 

"Fine!" I say, jerking my arm away from his grip.

"I know what I did, okay? I fucked up. A lot."

"You could say that again." I whisper and roll my eyes.

"For you to listen you have to be quiet." He stares at me and I glare back at him. 

"Well, talk then!" 

"I was hanging out with Peter and some other friends before school that day-" He gets cut off by the bell ringing. 

"Oops. Looks like you're out of time." I smile and start walking back to the classroom. 

I didn't get far though before Jake grabs me and throws me over his shoulders. "JAKE! LET ME DOWN!" I yell and hit his back.

He walks through the hallway and out of the building and finally puts me down in the parking lot.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! IT'S RAINING!" I start running back towards the building again but he grabs a hold of me and turns me around so that we're face to face. 

"You're not leaving until we've sorted this out!" He says. Both of us are drenched with rain, it looks like we've been swimming in the ocean. 

"Sort what out, Jake?! What is there to sort out?! There's nothing left between us!" I shout. It's raining so heavily I can barely hear myself.

"No! Don't do that! Do NOT give up on us! Don't give up on this!" He points to the two of us. "Just hear me out, Emery! Please!" God, he looks desperate.

"FINE! Just hurry!" 

He looks around and drags me a bit away to a bicycle rack with a roof over it. Don't really know why, we're already as soaked as a person can possibly be. 

"Now. Will you listen to me this time?"

"Yes! Just tell it! It's not exactly warm out here in the RAIN."  

He looks at me and without thinking, he takes his jacket off and hands it to me.

I quickly take it. "Don't think I'm going to thank you, you were a jerk."

"I know, I know... Will you listen?"

I take a hard look at him.

"It better be worth my fucking time."

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