19. A Snake's Game-Plan

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I materialise in front of Zeus's palace.

I stare at the guarded entry, momentarily dropping the shard of mirror to rub my sore hips.

I didn't want to manifest directly inside Zeus's throne-room as I worried Aquila might be there.

I'm not ready to see him just yet due to my final decision in coming here.

That's right.

War is no longer an option. It is now the only path to stop whatever's coming our way.

This much, is now crystal clear to me.

In fairness, I had given Typhon a chance to reconsider, to back out of his foolish war-game. But, he'd laughed and mocked my generosity even after he had seen how his very life is in the crosshair of peril.

What an egotistical monster. Right now, I feel no sympathy for him. I've come to accept after our hostile rendezvous, his vengeful agenda is a present existential threat and danger to my loved ones.

And it's something I cannot idly standby or allow to take shape.

Even if I have to sacrifice my life, never mind my eyes, I want to see him implode from his wilful arrogance.

Ha, he wants war?

With Epiales's help, I will give him hell!

Rubbing the lingering pain in my waist for the final time, I grumble loudly as I glance down at the ground where I had dropped the shard, "He's going to regret this--"

"Filthy thing!" Hera's brittle voice shouts from behind me, "How dare you trespass my Palace? Mayhap, you're seeking me to end your miserable life today--"

"Hera..." I sigh my exasperation without turning around instead staring up ahead, "...I am not here to seek you. Nor am I in any moods to entertain your whims--"

"What did you just say?" There's sincere shock and malicious rage in the Queen's trembly voice. I can't help but think that Epiales's voice impersonating her actually held more conviction than Hera herself, "You conceited little b--"

"Welcome, Lady Amber," a male's voice greeted from the entrance to the grand throne chamber up ahead preceding his appearance, "...We have been expecting you--"

"--Who's Lady Amber?--"

"Good greetings to you, Hermes," I look at the god standing with his head bows forward slightly in my direction.

Hermes has two sets of miniature wings growing out of his sandles and helmet.

"Mighty Zeus and his warriors await your entry--"

"Hermes," Hera cut in furiously, "What's wrong with you? Aren't you a god? Why are you addressing this filthy snake like she's above your station? I order you to smite her this instance--"

"That's enough, Hera!" Zeus's command blasts through the opened doors behind Hermes. "She's my guest. Hermes, bring the Guardian inside forthwith."

"Guardian--her? It cannot be--"

"This way, my lady," Hermes steps aside and beckons to me to enter throne hall.

I do so without hesitation. Time is much too precious given the high stake at hand.

When I step inside said throne hall, two columns of warrior gods and goddesses front my direction, their heads bowing forward slightly in salutations.

I briskly scan the two assemblies and let out a trembling breath of relief.

Aquila isn't amongst them.

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