4. A Snake's Friendship

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It's been three months since I had that despairing dream.

Three months on...even with my plan currently mobilized in its latter stages, today, the vividness of that dream still haunts my every waking moment like a spectral grudge.

If I wasn't before, I am now certain the dream is a prescient of my imminent fate.

However, my doomed fate scares me much less than the thought of a life without the eagle.

All the same, despite my ominous fate, I am now more determined than ever to see through my little plan to rectify Aquila's love story.

And begin mine.

Whatever else I managed to fix along the way is an added accomplishment.

After putting it in this perspective, I feel I can singlehandedly take on anything!

Especially, an uncomplicated plan.

Referring to said plan, in its entirety, it is a fairly simple one.

After all, I am but a simple snake in love.

Here's how it went go down in my head.

My target: Aquila the eagle.

First, I need to get to know my target inside out. His good and bad habits. His likes and dislikes. His motivations and breakpoints. Although, none of this information contribute directly to my 'ultimate plan', it helps me understand the one I'm about to spend the rest my life with. No, I'm not cocky in thinking this way, rather, I'm an optimist when it comes to what I want.

Next, I need dirt on Aquila's lady-love interest. The latter steps in my uncomplicated plan requires this intel.

Finally, the 'how-to-deliver' phase of said plan. In essence, I need to insert myself in between the two lovebirds, somehow.

My objective: create an easy, effective and natural barrier to prevent Aquila from falling further for his beautiful love-interest.

Simple plan, right? You bet.

So by now, you should already know this about me. Despite being a part-serpent who closely aligned to snake, scheming isn't my strong suit. Due to this uncharacteristic shortcoming, I'm kind of hopeful that an opportunity will present itself once I'm knees-deep in the plan. And, since I am an optimistic creature with goldfish memory and limited emotions, I am bound to come up with something ingenious once Aquila appears before me when he sees me next to his girl.

Thinking about that beautiful maiden by the flowers field, jealousy flares up inside my heart like a fiery blaze.

I wonder if I can hold myself back from doing something regrettable when I do meet her.

After all, us female serpents are widely reknowned for our impetuous rage and possessive nature when it comes to our mate.

Or mate-to-be, in my case.

Thus, in the past three months, part of phase-1 in my plan, I made daily visits to Mount Olympus. It did help a great deal that the three Horai, the guardian goddesses of Mount Olympus, all took a liking to me from our initial meeting.

During my visitations, I subtly asked its unsuspecting residents about Aquila.

In order to accomplish my mission of 'getting to know my target' with ease, I posed as the snake named Python.

I said to whomever asked the question that I was gathering vital information for my mistress; High Priestess Pythia, Oracle of Delphi. The latter is a famous oracle currently resides in the Temple of Apollo - I'm her (imposter) guardian snake, Python, as it were.

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