10. A Snake's Reciprocal Love 🔞

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Immediately after our third sessions of intense lovemaking, Aquila confesses his love to me.

Of course, I didn't see it coming and am shocked into unresponsiveness.

Mainly, because it sounded too good to be true, so I hesitate.

Thus, recovering myself, I ask him when and where.

"I don't know exactly."

Comes Aquila's mystified reply. At the same time, his fingers tenderly caress one of my cheeks while his eyes fixate on my lips.

Embarrassingly, he's still on top of me. He currently props up with one hand under my nape holding my shoulders. His other hand now shamelessly plays with one of my sensitised breasts. All the while, his hardened erection still sheathed to the hilt inside me.

"All I know is that, the more I saw you, the deeper you pervaded my thoughts and dreams."

In so saying, he lowers his head and kisses me like an insatiable beast.

To my lack of resistance, he trails his hot lips and tongue down to my neck. His waist between my thighs starting its slow undulating thrusts into me.

For a brief moment, I let him have his ways with my body while I savour the pleasurable sensation of the flesh that only he can bring.

Returning to my senses, I realize that as much as I desire his physical love, I am also curious about his emotional love for me.

"My lord--mhn--how did I get in your line of sight? Haa," I manage between ragged breaths, "Was it at that time by the banks of River Lethe?"

Aquila doesn't respond straight away.
He's distracted by his actions; tracing electrifying kisses all over my heated skin. In a daze, I savour his heavy yet slow thrusts. Like an ardent lover, his wet lips and tongue burn a path from my throat to my breasts as he plunges into my overflowing passage below. As trained by him in the last hour or so, I lift my hips to meet his plunging from underneath him.

When he bites then licks the underside of my left breast, I barely jolt to reality.

"My lord, please!"

I cry out and breathlessly begging as I gingerly push his head away from my aching swells.

"It's very important to me! So, please concentrate and answer me in truth!"

In turn, Aquila sighs in frustration but still raises his gaze to my pleading eyes. In his blue ones, lurks a desire so fiery and fierce, I shiver from sheer delights and delicious anticipation. In my chest, my heart races as I struggle to restrain my own corresponding need--

"Fine. But first, let me finish this round off for the both of us. May I?"

He asks mischievously, a predatory grin turns up the corners of his lips.

As if to demonstrate his intention, he rams his unsated cock into me before dropping his famished gaze. With his hard phallus buried to the roots inside me and twitching maddeningly, he dips his head to lick one of my nipples. Next, he grazes on the tenderised peak before drawing it into his mouth and suckles hard.

My body jolts in response to the ecstatic pleasure. Relinquishing all struggles for a moment, I close my eyes in surrender to the mounting promises of earth-shattering ecstasy that awaits me at the end of his play.


To stop myself, I had to will my senses back into my numbed skull. Breathing heavily still, I flash my eyes open and curse my muddled head.

"No! Please, let me hear your answers first! Then after, you can do whatever you want with me!"

To my lack of bargaining tacts, Aquila hesitates and briefly appears to be in deep contemplation.

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