chapter 6

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 I couldn't sleep that night.

Repetitive images of Mr. Clavin warm hands on face played over and over again in my head.  The way his smooth thumb slowly slid across my bottom lip, that somehow sent waves of electricity across my body. The power of want just took over me and I wished he had kissed me. Ugh. An indescribable feeling was rushing a storm in my stomach; even my hands was beginning to sweat just to the thought of him. I didn't know if I had made the whole thing up or this had actually happened. But either way I liked it.

I look at the clock it read, 1:43 am.

Crap and I have practice tomorrow, I roll over and pull the covers up to my chin, forcing my eyes closed. 

That night, I dreamt of Mr.Calvin.

    "Mom, where are my keys?!"   I hurriedly ran over the pile of clothes that were scattered across the floor. I was all ready to go to the violin practice but somehow couldn't find my keys and I had searched every where for them.

"What?" her voice trailed from down stairs.

"My keys" I yelled back,  I took my things off my desk and forcefully pushed my books out of the way.

Where are those freaking keys!,

I run downstairs with some of my papers flying out of the bag, "Mom do you think you can...." I puffed.

"Are these it?" In her hands she held my keys, full of little cheap key charms and one large one of Domo Kun dangling aside the ones I had bought a few years ago.

I bit my lip from laughing and took the keys from her hand,  "uhhh yeah"

Her serious statute face told me she didn't find it funny, my smile soon faded.

"This is the fifth time this week that you have lost your keys" she retorts

I ignore her eyes and look at the tip of my shoes,

"Well it won't happen again I promise" I walk past her

"Drive safe." she adds as soon I was out of the house. 

    Ever since the day my car had not wanted to start again my mom had it sent to a mechanic to get it fixed but it somehow managed to completely break down. Since then I was given my grandfathers old Volkswagen van that had been sitting in the garage for years. Surprisingly it was still working.

I arrive at the recreation center. Like what I had suspected, I was late.

Mr. Calvin's voice echoed outside the door as I stood there, debating whether or not I should enter.

I peek through the small window and see him talking in front of them, giving directions or something.

God did he look so hot today. His hair was perfect as always and that beard.....

Bad Eleonore! I scolded myself

I stepped back and folded my arms. Did I really want to get embarrassed?

Just imagine everybody's large, scary, dilated pupils following my every step if I enter in now. I hate being in front of a large crowd or being the middle of attention. Even though there were not as many people inside that room, I still was afraid. I felt I was going to have an anxiety attack!

I noticed his voice stopped.

I tiptoe and look through the window again but only to find him not there.

"Where did he go...?" I mutter looking at the students taking out their violins.

Again I look to the spot where he stood,

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