Chapter 11

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It was a Saturday afternoon and I was hanging out at the food court in the mall waiting for Kalie. I sat awkwardly, my fingers intertwined with my bags from forever 21 and some other store Kalie been bragging about.


I turn around groups and groups of people walked by and I didn't know where it was coming from.

"Hey Elenore" a large hand taps my shoulder.

To my left was George.

"Ohh, hey it's been awhile since I seen you."

"Yeah yeah" he takes a seat a next to me, "What are you doing sitting all alone"

I look past him, "Just waiting for a friend of mine, you?"

"Same, my friend is looking for some book he has to read for school"

There was silence, awkwardly I try to look busy as I looked at my phone.

"So what are you doing on Friday next week?"

I see Kalie coming our way "I um., .not much. why?"

"We should hang out some time"

Kalie arrives just in time, "Heyy.." George gets up and shakes her hand.

"I should get going, my I have to get home. Bye"

Kalie looks at me, "Who was that cutie?"

I shrug my shoulders as I get up, "Just a friend from band practice.."

Monday couldn't come to soon, I've been texting Mr. Calvin all weekend but it wasn't the same as seeing him in person, funny enough I had his number under the name Curly because of his hair.

I catch up to Mr. Calvin during passing period,  "Psttt."

"Oh hey Eleonore." we walked among other students.

"So when are we going to have a official date." I whisper.

He concentrates and shifts his folders to his other hand, "Hmm well Miss Eleonore the assignment is due tomorrow."

"Huh?" He shoots me a glare and quickly darts his eyes behind me, I look and see the principle standing by the threshold of the cafeteria. "..Oh ok"

We finally reach the door to his classroom. Only a few students were in the hallways. "Well why don't we have a date on Friday?" he whispers, his green eyes search mine for an answer.

"This Friday?" Quickly he pushes me inside the room and closes the door behind him. "Don't you have a class Mr..?"

"Not this period." he replies, his lips trace down my throat. "Wear something nice and I'll pick you up." His other hand grips on my waist bringing closer to him. I felt so weak I wanted to melt in his hands.

He suddenly lets go, "you should get going to lunch" he smirks.

"Such a tease" I mutter.

He grins and lightly kisses me.  "Go before you get in trouble."

"Ok ok, I will" I wave at him and close the door behind me. Now I have to find something to wear.

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