Chapter 13

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At school all I could think about was the way Mr. Calvin kisses felt on my skin, burning with pleasure. I couldn't help but think about him all day. Often finding myself staring off into space and not doing my work. Which is not like me at all.

"Eleonore?" Kalie looked over at me,

We were sitting in math class.

Kalie nudges me in the shoulder.

"What?" I whisper, 

"Who's the guy"

"What??" I whisper frantically trying not to make a scene

"Your zoned out into space, you're thinking about someone huh"

"No, no I'm just really tired."

"Mhmmm I know that face, we all been there"

"Trust me its nothing"

 She rolls her eyes and chuckles.

What if she found out, could I really tell her. I mean we've been friends since forever but I didn't know if I can confide with her about this. How would she react to me dating a thirty year old. Our English teacher for god sake. It would be nice to tell someone about him, how Mr. Calvin made me feel and how I felt like I had butterflies every time I saw him.

        I have finally gotten my old Toyota back, it has been in the mechanic for almost a month and I was getting weary of driving my grandfather Volkswagen. I wait patiently inside my car as the other students of the Orchestra class went inside the recreation center. I liked being the last one to go in since it kept happening most of the time it just became a habit.

I walk in and notice the seat next to where I normally sat was empty. George wasn't here. 

That's strange, hes always in time sometimes even early.

I greet the others around me as I take a seat. 

"Alright as you know we'll have to practice hard we will be performing for a community event in two months" Mr. Calvin stated as the people nodded and even high fives each other. Our first event. He occasionally locked eyes with me, repeatedly sending chills down my neck.

He clapped his perfect hands together, "Alright lets begin, I have a few suggestions on what music pieces we should do. Anyone else has any suggestions before we get started?"

A few answered with popular songs and new ones. I could only sit behind and watch the commotion, noticing Mr. Calvin's eyes on me every now and then. It made me squirm. 

After practice I caught up with him, "How did you think I did?" he waited until the rest of the students were out so he could answer. 

"Perfect" he breathes, reaching out for hand gently pressing his thumb at my palms.

I couldn't help but blush,

"There's a play going in downtown this weekend, if you're interested?"

I look upon his mesmerizing dull green eyes, I nod yes "Yes.."

He kisses my forehead, "My Eleonore" he whispers

        Its hard to believe only three months ago I was sitting in Mr. Calvin's class fantasying about how his lips would feel on mine and his perfect hands. I was the shy girl hiding behind my books quietly observing him while he taught. Hoping he'll noticed me and he did; I think.

I sat on Mr. Calvin's black sofa, the soft material tickled my fingertips. I looked around his modern yet rustic white living room filled with art pieces and overflowing book shelves. Particularly a copy of Van Gogh The Starry Night hanging in front of me. His place perfectly fitted with Mr. Calvin. He walks in the room and hands me a cup of water before sitting next to me. He had invited me to his place, more like I insisted. I wanted to see where he lived, where he spent his times wondering and dreaming. Where he was more vulnerable. He licked his lips before he spoke, "Do you know what colleges you want to go to?"

I hadn't applied to any yet, I didn't know where to go and I knew my senior year was coming to an end. "Maybe Boston College, I don't know"

"You haven't applied yet?" shocked he placed his cup on the coffee table.

"No, a lot has been on my mind.." 

"You need to apply soon, I can look over your essay if you need help with it"

I nod before taking a sip, 

"I have a question" I couldn't help but feel myself heat up, "When did you know...that you liked me?"

Rising from his chiseled face were light pink spots on his cheeks. I couldn't help but giggle that I was making Noah Calvin blush. He smiled and scooted closer to me. "I know you won't believe me but from the first moment you walked in my class, I thought you were the most beautiful girl I ever meet. I even scolded myself many times because you were a student and I'm a grown man for god sakes. But I couldn't get over the quiet girl that hid behind your books. I couldn't stop thinking about you and the way you laugh with your friends. I don't know if you noticed I even tried to avoid talking to you hoping I would get over the feeling" he grins.

"Did it work?"

He shakes his head, "Of course not, look at me. I'm here at your mercy"

I laugh 

His long spidery fingers intertwine with mine, "You know...I really want to meet your mom"

"You did already" I chuckle, but I knew what he meant. I had to lie to my mom to be here, even told her I was practicing an extra hour. I hated lying to her, but I couldn't tell her about Mr. Calvin.

"...about us" he continues

"She won't understand" I let go of his hand and stand up. "Even though I'm old enough people won't understand because you are my teacher." I felt like i wanted to shout from the top of my lungs, I've been holding it in for so long I wanted the whole world to hear.

He was silent, he looked at me and said nothing.

A wave of fear flooded in me and guilt. What if he changed his mind and didn't want to risk being with me.  He stood and slowly walked to my side placing his hands on my waist pulling me close to his chest. His eyes pierced through mine but I couldn't look at him.

"I would risk it all for you" his lips so close to ear I could feel them.  "I really care about you"

"Then wait, at least until I graduate. Maybe she'll understand then."

"I know but I would feel better if she knew."

"Until then" I reminded him

I felt him nod, he gripped my face pulling it close to his. His lips pecked mine before kissing me. Emotion and want filled in me but this kiss was different, this kiss was filled with sadness. 

He lets go and looks at me, "I'll wait My Eleonore, for you."

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