Jealousy & Privacy

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Chapter 2

Quackity's POV

I raised an eyebrow at his request. Private?
"What do you mean?" I asked, I didn't know what was happening. Is he wanting to talk in private Or was there something else?

"I mean why don't we go talk somewhere else, well after I finish.." he signaled his arms toward the body.
I stood there while the loud unsettling silence was surrounding the gory scene. I decide to move a step away until his voice started to sting my ears.

"Move and I'll kill you."

So I stood still. I was confused,


Of all things, is a murderer?

As I was lost in my thoughts I wasn't on the ground anymore.
I could feel the air blow in my face as I'm trying to open my eyes. "Why couldn't we just walk?" I asked. "Because there's a higher chance I'd get caught and you're the one who seems to be covered in blood, and you wouldn't like to get framed would you?" said Bad. The thought of him leaving me and being blamed got me furious.
"Yea and you wont mind if I report this to Sam?" I questioned trying to weigh my confidence on him.
"I'm going to drop you if you don't stop," Bad said, he seemed pissed so I didn't say anything. I didn't wanna get killed, at least not yet.

Bad's POV

I flew around with Quackity for a while. I'm surprised it was a quiet flight to my house.
"Be careful where you land Bad!" Quackity told me. I decided to land right next to the small pond I had made. I quickly let go of Quackity and started to head towards the door and held it for Quackity signaling for him to go in. We both got inside and took a seat in the main room. Ofcourse I think I'm acting to nice. That doesn't matter though!
"Bad...tell me, Why?"Quackity asked.
"Why what? Why I had taken you here to explain instead of leaving you there not knowing that I'd done this?, to be honest, I wanted to toy with you, I know you're a smart person and you are capable of doing many things but it's not like I can't either" I smiled while quackity kept drinking his water i offered him.
"Why did you decide to kill someone? why didn't you kill me?"
"Well you could say people would be worried, but I mean for you, nah they'd be worried that someone is trying to murder people, See, I'm doing this because I would love to see suffering and pain amongst everyone's faces."
"Even Skeppy's?" asks Quackity. I got a bit annoyed with this snapping back.
"See the fact that you're adding Skeppy in all my situations makes it 10x worse!"
While I was arguing with Quackity. He kept telling me how Skeppy would know. I'm at the point where one more thing from him and he'll end up dead.
"Bad? Why is Quackity here? What's going on..." Skeppy cme inside from a room setting down gapples and his swords.
"Wow Bad, I almost forgot Skeppy lived here with you!" Said Quackity as he smirked. I was furious, but Skeppy was here and I didn't know what to do.
I decided it was best to stay quiet, and sit without responding Skeppy's question.

Skeppy's POV

What the hell is he doing here, I didn't know Bad and Quackity were hanging out?!
"Why are you here?" I asked Quackity.
"Oh nothing, Bad just wanted to talk about stuff" He smiled at the end of his response. He had the kind of smile that made me hate him. It was like a smug face or something.
I turned my head to face Bad who was sitting still. "Bad!, Bad!"
"WAA!" Bad yelped I guess he was startled, "Oh it's you Skeppy" Bad took a breath and looked up at me.
"Yo Bad you all right?" I asked
"Oh yeah, Skeppy, I'm fine!" he said.
"What's Quackity doing here with you, then?" I asked if I wasn't jealous or anything, but I was curious. They were arguing and that happens but only when Quackity makes some kind of move or something like that.
"We were just hanging out, and talking," he said and smiled.
"Yoo Skeppy, how ya doing?' Quackity said as he put his arm around my shoulder.
"I'm fine thank you" I pushed his arm off me and crossed mine.
"So what's going on, if you guys were talking then why was there yelling?" I was impatient and wanted to know, Quackity sometimes bothers Bad but I never know about what.
"It was nothing don't worry Skeppy," Bad says with his hand waving down, he then stood up.
"Look, Skeppy, why don't you go and prepare snack while i'll go and take Quackity home?" said Bad with a smile on his face. I agreed and they left.
I know damn well that wasn't true, he's hiding something, but what. I was tired from everything, i made a small bowl of granola sat and drifted off a little.

Quackity's POV:

"Wow, great excuse Bad," I say with a curious face being sarcastic. Honestly after arguing with him ive gotten better at trying to be confident in these situations.
"You need to be quiet okay?" Bad says with his fingers rubbing the top of his nose as if he was disappointed.
"And why don't you kill me now huh? Are you scared someone will lock you away, or well enough have you in the boat like last time?" I said, preferably this made Bad mad. He grabbed me and flew up flying fast and dropping me off in the middle of nowhere making me hit the floor and hit my head hard.
"Look Quackity," says Bad serious as ever. "I'm not killing you only because Skeppy would know, I was with you last so if they say that you died Skeppy would have his suspicions. All right?" he says.


----------------------Time Skip------------------------

We got back on track and I say "Damn Skeppy was pretty jealous earlier"
"Language, pretty much doubt it."
"Oh, really then how come he hates me when I'm around you?"
"Maybe because you play around too much." says Bad, this offended me quite a bit.
"I play around too much?! Oh please, he has at least a small percentage that he's calm. Until he sees you of course."
"He's just looking out for me"
"Or he's jealous~!" I say with a funny voice making Bad get pissed a bit.
"What about when he's flirting with you huh~"
"ALL RIGHT WERE HERE QUACKITY!!" Bad yells as he drops me.
"HAHAHAHA SEEMS LIKE SOMEONE FLUSTERED!" I fell on my back laughing my ass off.
"Weren't we gonna talk in private?!" He asks
"Well, yea! But your ass takes too long"
"Language Quackity!" Me and Bad then walked into a small empty room that had a small table and chairs with a counter with a coffee maker. We sat down and Bad was beside me.
"So why'd you kill that guy?" I questioned him again.
"As I said, he was pointless and wasn't good at the job so I killed him" having said that he smirked and went back to the scary self that sent shivers down my spine. As scary as it was I was also confused, What job does he mean?
"But you said you had-"
"That I had more reasons? Yea I just wanted to toy with you" he smiled again well more like a scary smirk than a smile.
"But ohh who knows you might be next, or your friends, maybe even Sam if you want me to get locked up, I have plans for everyone Quackity"
"Even Skeppy?"
"Stop including Skeppy! I'm not doing anything to him!"
"Oh right I forgot you don't wanna harm your boyfriend do you"
Bad started to do his usual growl. It seemed to be part of his traits that he had.
"So you agreed to what I said? I mean as long as you don't tell anyone, I won't kill you" he smiled again,

"You trust me right?" I asked, more sarcastic than ever.
"Sure, you have a choice Quackity, you tell someone both you and them die or keep it to yourself and everyone is safe" he spawns his axe and points it towards me making it touch my neck having the sharp end making a bloody slit once again.
"All right?" he asked
"Y-yea B-Bad" Trying my best to put my head up.
"Good" he lets go of me and leaves

Goodness you're scary Bad.

Thank u for reading Chapter 2 this was longer than the last one.
Words: 1490


Words: 1460

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