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Chapter 4

No ones POV:

Checkmate, that was the one word that was ringing in Quackity's ear all day. It had been a week since he saw Bad trying to kill him. The thought of saying it to Bad while he was locked behind bars had satisfied him. Though he wanted it to be a reality.  He wanted to see the anger on Bad's face having him locked up beside Dream's cell. He knew that by locking him up he would be able to stop the Badlands. Having every plan fail in his mind, struggling with Bad's eyes somehow watching his every move, going insane little by little, he finally got it. A plan that could potentially put him in prison for a good amount of time or at least stop him. Though his plan had included someone whom he wasn't good with. Having said that, he searched for him. Yet would this plan work out? Thinking too much I got hungry on the way.  :^

Skeppy's POV

Seeing this side of Bad was making me nervous. He was always a happy guy and seemed to cause no harm. Always being cheerful and being mad once in a while. But he was different. He was his normal self but he was hanging a bit too much with Quackity. I didn't know if they were just talking or if Quakcity had done something to him. I'm not jealous though! I mean obviously!
"Are you in a secret affair with Quackity or something?!" I asked, I wanted to know, I just wanna make sure he isn't doing anything behind my back or replacing me.
"What?! No! What makes you think that?!" he had a higher-pitched tone that might've sounded like he was offended or something.
"Well you and Quackity are close to each other so ya know I thought you guys were like dating or something I don't know Just forget about what I said!!" I exclaimed. Seeing Bad's face in confusion and then laughing made me embarrassed and I wanted to hide.
"Skeppy, Me and Quackity are not having an affair! We just decided to hang out more." he had a smile on his face. He looked genuinely happy.
"Why would you ask that?" he continued.
"Well, it just seemed like you were leaving me or replacing me..."
He laughed more, I was a bit mad and upset this caused him to stop.
"I would never." he smiled at the end, making me get an idea.
"Here let me try and talk to Quackity, I'm gonna try and sort things out with him."
I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked for Quackity contact.
"Wait, hold on, we don't need to talk to discount Skeppy!" he said
"Wait so there's two discount Skeppy's now?" I put a sad face as a small joke to play on him.
"No no! Quackitys discount Skeppy." We kept walking. 
"Well, then why don't you want me to talk to him?" I asked
He backed up a  little clearing some space, "Well I mean you can if you want to"
"Yeah but you seemed weird about it" I responded
"Well why talk to him when the real thing is you?" he suggested
"Well I'm just gonna call him so" I pressed the call button and the phone rings
We stand there, quiet, then he picks up.
"Hello?" I asked, trying to see if Quackity answered.
"Yeah what's up?" he said, sounding like he was eating something.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"Eating chicken" he responded, grabbing something.
"Oh? What kind" I looked at Bad wondering if he could hear and he just looked at me with a smile.
"Why-?" he asked
"Just wanna know," I said with a shrug.
"Oh uhh El Pollo Loco," He said with a weird accent.
"All right well I just wanted to call you because you've been hanging out with Bad a lot and keeping him away from me, and I don't appreciate it very much so this-"
"Yeah!" Bad had interrupted me and I looked at him again then looked at something else.
"Yeah Bad said yeah in the background but, this is a kind of warning for you to fuck off"
"Ahhh Language!" Bad yelled.
"That'll only make me wanna talk to him more," Quackity said, you could hear his smile through the phone.
"No, it shouldn't, it should devalue talking to him more!" I yelled a bit.
"Wait, hold on hold on, let me tell you something..."
"What? I'm listening.." I quiet down. Bad tried to get closer to hear but I backed away.
"The issue is that Bad reaches out to me!" he exclaimed.
I stopped and looked at Bad, Bad couldn't hear the call so I just stared and he looked at me confused
"Look I'm just chilling and Bad is like 'hey discount Skeppy' he calls me discount Skeppy, he says ' hey discount Skeppy you're the next big thing, let's talk' and I'm like 'all right let go!'
"So listen, listen you need to control your man all right? Control your man for a bit and then talk to me all right?" Said Quackity he seemed to enjoy the call.
"But control him first because he's the one who comes to me, I'm just chilling eating Pollo loco Skeppy!" He continued. I then looked down.
"Yes you are" after saying that Quackity makes eating sound effects
"NOMNOMNOMNOM" I put my phone a bit farther from my ear, and once he stopped I put it closer again.
"Well, then I'll talk to you later, sorry that I came at you like that I didn't mean it," I said my voice a bit nervously.
"No worries man," says Quackity on the other side of the call.
"Wait, don't apologize!!!" Bad yelled. I looked at him once again, and he kept cheering
"I'll call you later maybe so uh-'
"Wait what's he saying?!" Bad was walking closer to me.
"'No worries!" responded Quackity.
I hung up. I sighed then glared at Bad.
"Bad what the fuck is wrong with you,"  I said, he gulped a bit scared.
"What?! What did he say?!" He looked genuinely confused and concerned.
"He said that he's chilling eating chicken and you hit him up and you ask him to spend time with him!"
"No that's not true!" He stomped his leg like a little kid then looked away as he crossed his arms
"What the fuck do you mean that is not true?!" I yelled a bit, making Bad back up even more.
"No no! he's like 'BAD, BAD, COME ON AND HANGOUT BADBOYHALO' that's what he says every time we-" He does an impression of Quackity and moves his hands around doing goofy signals.
"Who am I supposed to believe?!" I was confused, I was between two people who seemed to have opposite stories from each other.
"Skeppy you believe me!" Bad said he was complaining like a kid, not some annoying one but you know.
"What?! I'm very consistent" He says with a face making himself look proud.
"So he comes to you?" I ask. "Uhuh," he answered.
"He said the exact opposite of that" I added and looked up at Bad.
"Well then, I guess he's lying," he says with some cruel smile at the end. We then enter.
I sit down on a wooden chair across from Bad seeing him still smiling and intertwining his hand with his own asking for his head to rest on it. He tilts his head still looking directly at me. I gulped, scared by this action.
"So...Err you were gonna tell me why you're with uhh Quackity so much..."
"Oh! Right, of course, see Skeppy a week ago I stumbled upon one of my 'workers' " he signaled and continued. "And well I had him gone, but then Quackity came and saw so you know I just told him it was our secret"
I sat still wondering what he meant by 'had him gone'
"Wait what do you mean by gone?"
'You know like disappeared?"
"Fired?" I questioned, he stared at me and smiled.
"I killed him Skeppy"
he what
He had killed someone?! I sat there mind blank not knowing what to do or say. Would he kill me?! Is he going to kill Quackity?!
"I guess saying that was too much to handle" he raised his eyebrows being sarcastic. I started to get anxious and my anxiety was rising. He seemed to notice it as he scooted his chair closer to mine. He put his elbow on the table and his head rested.
"Look Quakity and you are the only ones and I mean this had been going on for who knows how long"
This scared me even more. Has he been killing people for a living or something?!
"So what I'm hearing is that you  murder for a living?!"
He nodded his head and stood up.
"The only problem is that Quackity caught me by surprise and there's a high chance he'll tell someone, I've threatened  him of course but you know how chaotic he is."
"I know you wouldn't say a word because I trust you Skeppy, see you can even partner up with me."
Am I supposed to trust him? Just leaving him making him kill you other people"But you could-"
"Get locked up I know, I have a plan for everything, how do you think I got the whole red banquet trapped and collected Puffy's items?" he said. I didn't know much about the event but I did hear that he had planned for it but not far enough due to Quackity.
"But there's always this pattern, any great plan I have, Quackity gets in the way every, single. Time. I'm tired of it so I planned far enough for anything he does, and since I've told you I'm asking you, Skeppy," he held an arm out.

"Join me."

Words: 1698

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