Ch. 3

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   Once we arrived at the castle, which was absolutely gorgeous by the way, I was brought into large room that even had a couch and fire place.

I was dragged the bed, wher she sat me down and untied my legs. My ankles had a tingling feeling from being tied to tightly.

"Now listen closely, you are to stay in here until I say differently. I better not find you trying to leave, understand?" I look up at her and hesitatly non 'yes'.

"Good, now what's your favorite food?"

"F/f, I've always loved that." I mumbled.

"I'll go tell Marcus to make you that." she gave me a smile and left. I wonder Marcus is, I tried to stand but immediately fell over, my legs feel like jelly.

"Fuck." I say out loud to myself. Every thing hurts, my head, my legs, my arm, my stomach.

Why? Why couldn't I just stay home? At least there the only person who could harm me was father, here any that ing can happen. She could literally cook me alive, and no one would do anything.

I can hardy breath I need to get this thing off, I grab the bed and lift myself up onto it before pulling on the skirt of my dress, so many layers.

After that I ripped the corset off, a wave a release rushed over me as I could breath again.

I lifted up my remaining clothing, and saw the black and purple bruise on my stomach, my arm look the exact same way. I climbed to the top of the bed and crawled under the covers, having to lay on my right side to avoid hurting my arm even more.

Hot tears ran down my face, soaking the pillow until I let myself fall into peaceful slumber.

When I woke up I was still alone, but on the table beside me was f/f.

I left it sit there, I mean something could have been put it in. I can't take that chance, I wonder where she is. I wish she was here, then I could ask why I was brought here. When I tried to sit up the pain in my stomach made me sharply inhale.

Just Y/n breath, breath.

mesmerizing // Yandere! Queen X fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now