Ch. 8

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It's been five days since he was killed, after he was killed I was brought back to the room and I haven't been allowed to leave since, in total I've been here eight.

I seriously feel like I'm losing my mind, I've only talked to Victoria and Miriam and most of the time Miriam and I have to watch what we say because Victoria is in the room.  I miss Grayson, I miss my room.

"Wanna walk with me?" I look up to see Victoria was standing by the door.

"Can we go without all of the guards?" she thought about it for a moment before agreeing. I got up from the bed and allowed her to pick out my dress, she picked out a f/c dress.

She handed me the dress and called Miriam to put the corset on, when Miriam entered she turned around and grabbed the thing she was knitting on the couch and started working on it.

Once my dress was on and my hair was done we left, no guards. The castle is absolutely stunning.

"So what are your dreams for life?" she asked as we walked outside. I gave her a confused look, why does she care? She's never said anything caring before.


"What do you mean why? I wanna get to know you better, I wanna know everything about you."

"Okay, I guess. I never really had a dream, I was always told I was gonna be married off and that only purpose in life was to have kids."

All of that was the truth, I was reminded that I was pretty much nothing my whole life. Not just by my father but by society, you should have seen the up roar when Victoria's father had one child, her, a woman.

First woman to be The Highest, maybe that's why I always had the impression that she was bitch because that's what I was raised to believe.  I mean  was I wrong though? I'm literally being forced into a marriage, but I was gonna be forced into one anyway. I'm just so conflicted on whether I like her or not.

"That's kinda sad."

I turned my head to look her straight in the eye.

"Are fucking serious? Bitch you got lucky that your father was fine with you being a woman, and I would like to remind you that your forcing me into a marriage and I can't even talk to people. I want you to imagine if you were me, and really think about it, if you were me would you even bother with having a dream?"

She looked slightly taken aback but she quickly made her face emotionless.

"What's your favorite color?" Wow, okay sure change the subject.


"That's a very pretty color." she flashed me a smile.

"What was your brother like?" she asked.

"He was fine I guess." I grumbled.

"Okay your turn to ask a question."

"Why did you bring me here?" I've been wanting to know this for a while now.

"Because I love you of course." she said like should have already known.


"I love you." she repeated.

"Well I know look like an absolute goddess but we barely even know each other you're not inlove with me."

She still had a smile on her face.

"You may not know me but I know you, I just wanna get to know you more." She informed me, emphasizing the 'more'.

I looked up at the sky, that was filled with different shades of blue.

Oh my God, this is way too much.

mesmerizing // Yandere! Queen X fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now