Ch. 14

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Victoria's POV

   How could she? Why can't she realize that I will always find her, no matter where she runs or hides I will find her.

I stand there staring at the window that Y/n broke.  I already know who is with Y/n, while my guards were  questioning people a girl was reported missing. She spent the night with her friend but never came back, so I went to see the parents.

I immediately knew who they're the parents of, the girl with black hair who Y/n hangs out with. Her name is serenity or something. 

Which leads me to believe she helped Y/n. I could kill Sidney's parents to get back at her for taking my Y/n but I have a feeling she doesn't care for her parents. When I talked to the parents they seemed angry not worried.

Y/n is only familiar with the castle and the house where the girls meet up so she probably went there asking for help. The girl who owns the house says she can't because of her family but Sasha over hears and says she can. So they grab food and water then make their way into the forest planning on going to one of the lesser kingdoms in Cordai, she can't go home so that leaves four kingdoms for my Y/n to go to.

I will find Y/n, no matter what and I already know how to punish her for trying to leave me.

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