Ch. 25 Wedding and Ending

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I struggle not to cry as Victoria forces the dress on me.

"You know, you help a little instead of just sitting there." she snaps at me.

"Sorry my queen." I grab the dress and shimmy it down my body.

"Great, we're ready."

Serene hasn't been found somehow, Victoria has been searching non stop for her. She smiles and picks me up bridal style, she carries me to the Throne room which is now filled with people from all over the kingdom. My wander around the room until they stop on my father and brother but my mother is no where to be seen.

She places me down in a red velvet chair.

Y/N L/N!"

Victoria kneels down infront of me, and the priest rushes to us. He opens his Bible and begins the ceromony.

"We are gathered to here today to celebrate the marriage between Victoria Solome of Hersta, and Y/n L/n of Aiker. Now time for the vows."

"Skip the vows, just marry us already." Victoria demands.

"Geez okay, do you Victoria take Y/n to hold and to love forever?"

"I do."

"And you Y/n take Victoria to hold and to love forever?"

"I-I do."

"You may now kiss the bride."

Victoria leans forward and kisses me roughly, I kiss back. I don't want to be hurt.

We pull away gasping for air, Victoria smiles at me but the smile falls when a knife is pludged through her neck. I look up at the attacker to see it's Serene.

Victoria chokes and gurgles, until she falls over dead. Serene engulfs me in a hug when I start crying.

"It's okay, it's over. It's all over." she soothes, the cries turn into a laugh.

"Finally! Finally!"

I'm the high queen, oh my god, I'm the high queen now. I let go of Serene and turn to a guard.

"Get rid of the body." He nods and grabs Victoria by the legs and drags her away.

Three years later

I laugh as Serene topples over a table because I pushed her. In my defence she kept poking me. Serene and I are married now with a baby girl name Viviana. Vivy is currently with my mother, after Victoria was dead I demanded to see my mother and got her the best doctors in the kingdom.

After that she came to live here with me, my father is still the king of Aiker but only because that's what my mother wanted. Now that she's away from him I've gotten to see the side of her that I've always wanted to see, and let me tell you sering her reunite with me uncle was a tear jerker. But she's is literally the most confident person that I've ever met now that she's away from my father.

And if your wondering how Serene wasn't found and how she successfully got into the castle to kill Victoria, it's because of Serene's brother. As a guard he had access to the dungeon so he let Serene out then he overheard Victoria tell me about how I'd be a high queen even when she died.

So he cracked a plan, most people hated Victoria already so it wasn't hard to convince people to keep Serene hidden and to let her into the castle.

So ultimately her down fall was her ignorance and arrogance.

"Oh my gah! I think I broke a hip." Serene whines.

"Oh you're fine."

"No, I'm dying."

"How did you go from a broken hip to dying?"

"I don't know, I just did." I roll my eyes and pick her up off of the floor.

"Oh by the way, we're gonna be going to Timir soon to visit my family there." I inform her, my uncle ended up divorcing Beth and I honestly have no idea what's become of her.

"Yay! Grandma Mare!" Serene and my grandmother have pretty much become best friends, they're always sending letters back and forth, and whenever we see her, she tells Serene about all of the gossip with her friends.

"Where are you ladies off to?" the voice belongs to Serene's brother.

"To see Bianca and Adelaide." she tells him.

"Well if you see Delilah at all tell her I said hi."

We found out recently that they have a little thing for eachother, but they don't know the other likes them.

"Will do."

I hate what Victoria did to me but if she would have never taken me I wouldn't have anything I have now. I had to go through something traumatic to become happy I guess. If it didnt happen then right now I'd probably be in an unhappy, abusive,  marriage. So I'm not saying I'm fine with what happened to me but I wouldn't change it even for all the money in the world.

I smile widely as I stare at the mesmerizing woman beside me. The woman I love and will always love.


Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed and if you have any ideas or story tropes you'd like me to write just say so. Thank you again, bye!

- Karoshiiu

mesmerizing // Yandere! Queen X fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now