Ch. 18

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Three weeks later

Unknown POV

I look at the letter I just received, I'm filled with fear when I see it has Hersta's crest on the front. I swallow my fear and open the letter.

My eyes widen as I read it.

I need to find her, Y/n.

Tears fill my eyes, I thought all of this was conseual somehow. Just like M/n  and  F/n's marriage. I miss M/n, I hope she we'll.  Probably not I mean her daughter was taken by The Highest Queen.

I look at the small painting that came with the letter, this must be Y/n. She's beautiful.

I turned around and hand the painting to Fernando.

"I don't care how long it takes search all of Timir and find her."

Serene's POV

I look over at the still sleeping Y/n, she looks so peaceful. It's been almost a month since Y/n and I ran, I have no regrets. The wedding was supposed to happened last week, I can't imagine having to go it.

I know that everyone in Cordai would be forced to go, how so I say this without sounding crazy? When I first saw Y/n I knew she was the one, it was love at first sight.

But of course I couldn't do anything she was engaged to The Highest Queen, then she came to Bianca's house while were having a sleepover and now here we are.  I think her and I both are much happier, she opened up to me about everything Victoria has put her through.

She also opened up about her childhood, not much about it but it was still something. I know that her mother was pretty much emotionless, and her father is abusive. Not to her brother his rage was always towards Y/n and her mom. That's all I know.

In return I told her about my parents, they only love each other. They could care less about my brother and I, I'm betting they're livid that I'm gone. Not because they care but because they were gonna marry me off, I met the guy once.

I wanted to throw up, he looks like he has fleas.

The only reason my parents chose him is because he has alot of money and if I marry him my parents will get a some of that money.

I want to marry Y/n, somehow.

In fact she's pretty much my guardian angel. She saved me from my parents, that marriage, and she saved me from myself. Before Y/n came I was planning on killing myself before night of my wedding.

I guess I didn't really take into account of how my friends would feel because either way they would never see me again. Barry, the guy I was going to marry isn't from Hersta.  

My thoughts were interrupted by rapid knocking on the door, waking Y/n. I threw a robe on answered the door.

"Hello Ladies, I'm Fernando Delrow. Are you Y/n L/n?" He asks my angel. She nods her head 'yes'.

"The king and Queen sent me to find you and her friend. You can come willingly or by force, I don't care either way as long as I get the job done." he informs us. We say we understand and he closes the door but still stands outside of it whole Y/n and I get ready.

He has a strong grip on our arms as we're taken to the castle.

We're brought into a lounge room that has a beautiful red velvet couch.

"The king and Queen shall be here shortly." Fredrick tells us then he leaves.

Y/n has tears in her eyes, I quickly rush over to comfort her.

"What if they brought us here to turn us into Victoria?" She panics as I wrap my arms around her.

"It's okay Y/n, if that's the case then we'll figure something out but we don't know if that's really what's happening so let's try stay positive." I kiss the top of my head before resting my chin on it, we after a few second we slowly crumble to floor.

We just sat there holding each other, waiting to see what will happen to us.

mesmerizing // Yandere! Queen X fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now