Ch. 9

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We walked for a while longer and her questions continued, some were small like what's your favorite drink? Some were more personal like how many kids I want. Which I didn't know how to answer because I don't even know if I want kids or not.

We walked all round Hersta, it seemed everyone was out. All the kids were playing, and the couples actually seemed happy.

Maybe this place wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't forced to be here. I shouldn't think like that I should try to be positive, you know make the best out of this. Maybe The Queen will let me talk to people if I promise it'll only be friendships, I already saw a group of girls that I want to talk with.

In total there was five girls. Two of the girls had the prettiest brown eyes, with curly brown hair, they must be sisters or twins. Another girl had big Green eyes with strawberry blonde hair. Then one was the girls was rather tall with sleek black hair and blue eyes that had dark circles under them. The last girl had a beauty mark high up on her cheek, she was pale with dark eyes and dark blonde hair that was in a bun.

They were all laughing together and just overall looked very happy.

Currently I'm sitting on the small couch by my bed having dinner. It's pasta with lemonade, Victoria is sitting beside me as she knits.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course love." okay she seems calm, that's good.

"I saw this group of girls who looked really nice and I was wondering if I can talk to them and become friends. So can I?"

"But you have Miriam and I, why would you need anybody else?" she stilled seemed calm.

"They looked nice, and I never had friends at home. I promise that's all it will be, just friendships."

She looked a me for a moment before responding.

"Fine, but only them no one else."

I couldn't contain my excitement, a huge smile was placed upon my face.

"Thank you!"

mesmerizing // Yandere! Queen X fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now