Ch. 12

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"I'm gonna drop you off with the girls today, but tomorrow you won't be able to see them because you have to get fitted for your wedding dress."

I nearly forgot about that, I'm engaged.

I don't want to go through with it, but I have to. Even though Victoria has been being somewhat nice I can't risk it, she might kill me or even worse, Miriam.

"Are you excited darling?"

"Yeah, I guess."

I gasped as Miriam pulled the corset tighter, Victoria was on the couch knitting. 

"Quick question, um will we have to have kids? And if so how?"

"Yes of course we're having kids, you're gonna pick a guy you think is fit and the rest doesn't matter. Don't worry you're not gonna have to do anything sexual."

"Hold on I'm the one who's gonna be pregnant?Why me? Do I get a choice in this matter?" I'm not ready to be pregnant, not at all.

What if I'm a bad mother or what if the baby is missing an arm or something?

"Well I have things to do, once we marry you won't become queen of anything. That's just how it is, and you'll be able and free to get pregnant."

"You didn't answer my mother question, do I have a choice in this matter?"

"No."  she replied still knitting, I had just gotten my dress fully on. Miriam stroked head trying to comfort me when she saw a tear go down my cheek.

"What did I say about touching? Don' Y/n." Victoria spat with malice. 

"Ma'am I know you and Y/n are engaged but I have known Y/n since she was born. There are no feeling like that, infact there's no feelings like that with your relationship with y/n either. Well maybe on your part but not Y/n's."

I slapped my hand over my mouth, to attempted to stop myself from Laughing.

All urge to laugh ceased when Victoria walked over and grabbed Miriam by the arm. Miriam cried out in pain as Victoria's nails dug into her skin.

She held Miriam in place.

"No wait do-"

But I was too late, Miriam nearly fell over when Victoria's hand came in contact with her face.

She gave Miriam no time to recover, she opened the door and threw her to the guards.

"No please, don't hurt her please." I begged.

"Don't worry she won't go through any pain." she looked down at me, her eyes filled with emotion  but I can't tell which one.

She brought her hand up to wipe my tears away.

"I hope you know you're the most beautiful person I've ever seen." She lightly pulled my face upwards and placed her lips on mine. It was a quick yet blissful.

Maybe if we met a different way I would actually have a crush on her.

  I watched she walked away from my girls and I. I'm relieved to get away from her.

I looked at Audrey, and Adelade who each had a baby boy in their arms. The babies looked exactly alike.

"This is Kia, and Made. Our little brothers, our mom gave birth to them like eight months ago I think." Adelade explained.

You could tell the boys were related to them, they all had the same curly brown hair, dark skin and the same big beautiful eyes.

"They're adorable!"

"Wanna hold Kai?" Audrey asked.

"Of course!" my heart melted as he was handed to me. He smiled and leaned his head against me.

"I think he likes you."

"So Adelade , Beatrice told me you had some feelings for someone." Dalilah gossiped.

"Okay first of all it's weird that you and my mom are friends second of all I'm not telling you who it is."

"Oh come on! Atleast tell us their personality. " dalilah invoked.

"What the hell? You have and didn't tell me." Audrey seethed.

"Girl shut up, I wanna hear this." Audrey gave Serene an 'are you serious' look  but stopped talking.

"I don't have crush, my mother is delusional." she stated, this caused the strawberry blonde to roll her eyes.

"Your mom knows what she's talking about. Don't lie to us."

"It's true,  I don't!" personally I didn't believe her but oh well.

"It's fine, I'm sure you'll tell us soon. Can I get some people to help me grab some snacks for us?" Bianca interjected, I really hope I'm not the only who noticed the blush creep onto Adelade's face when Bianca spoke.

The other baby was handed to serene and the rest of the girls went to help. I looked down to see Kai fast asleep.

"Did you see the blush on her face?" I asked serene.

"Absolutely, but they would make such a cute couple." I had to agree, there is just something about them that works.

"I didn't wanna ask this when everyone else was here but are you okay? You had a bit of tears in your eyes when you first arrived."

Damn it, I was hoping no one noticed.

"Yeah I'm just a little stressed." I lied.

She nodded.

"Okay, but just so you know if you ever need someone to talk to I'll gladly listen." she flashed me a smile, and began playing with the baby. I'm so happy I have friends now, especially these girl in particular.

I wonder if they can come to the wedding, that would be delightful. I don't like that I'm getting married but I should try to make the best out of this situation.

I should try to be happy.

Oh God I hope she didn't hurt Miriam like she said, I can't loose her. She means so much to me, she's been in my life ever since I was born. She has always been there for me when my parents haven't  been.

"I hope everyone likes crêpes!" Bianca said in sing-song voice as she set the food down on the little table, the food in front of us looks absolute amazing.

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