Ch. 22

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I hum a small made up tune as I carry Ezra to his room, ever since we met a few days ago he insists that I be the one to put him to bed for now on.

"Tomorrow we should go to the market." He says in a cute high pitched voice, it's a little hard to understand him when you first meet him because of how young he is but I think I'm pretty good at understanding him now.

"What would we get there?"

"Flowers and fruit," he answers. "Don't worry, my dad with pay for it."

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly let him do that." I protest.

"You're apart of the family, and daddy says you should take care of your family."

"I get that but he's not paying for it."

"Too bad."

I sigh and lay him down in his bed, he grabs the covers and pulls them over his body.

"I'm glad you're here, I've always wanted a cousin," he tells me. "In fact you're my new best friend."

"And you're mine."

He giggles. "Really?"

"Yes really." I lean down and give him a kiss on the head.

"Good night."

"Night night Y/n." I give one last smile then leave, waiting outside of the door is grandma Mare.


"Hi Y/n, would you like to have some tea with me?"

"Yes please." she links our arms and takes to the kitchen.

I take a seat on the wooden stool as she makes the tea.

"Can you tell me about my mother when she was a kid," I request. "She never talked about it herself, infact she never really talked much at all."

I see a tear fall down her face.

"Your mother had a bit of temper but she was also kind and qentle. She was strong and bold, sometimes it seemed like nothing could break her ever."

"How did my father act when you first met him?"

"He seemed kind, funny, and caring. I guess he's done of those things, I swear if I ever see him I'm gonna stab him."

"Damn." I don't know what else to say, but I love that idea. Just stab him, I've never be more up for violence than now.

She hands me my tea as she takes a seat next to me, her hands are covered in wrinkles.

"Tell me about Serene."

"What do you want to know?"


"She's probably the funniest person I know, she's witty and determined but best of all she's a good listener. Serene is very sympathetic and kind. I think I love her."

She smiles at me.

"I'm glad you're happy, now finish up your tea. We can't have you staying up too late, good nights sleep in crucial for your well being."

Victoria's POV

I can't eat, I can't sleep. I'm need Y/n, I need her now. God I can't wait to hurt Sophia, I could make Y/n do it. Then I can use that against her, tell her she's a monster and that I'm the only one who wants her.

"You have a letter my Queen from Timir."

I quickly take the letter and rip it open, a smile spreads across my face when I read it. It's from Timir's queen, they have Y/n at the castle.

"Get the horses ready, we're going to Timir.

mesmerizing // Yandere! Queen X fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now