~Chapter 10~

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✨️Art by me! This is an old sketch, so its not the best. I never finished it, idk, i might one day though. ✨️

Gus POV:

I walked away from the park back home. I wish I could have stayed longer. Other than the whole "getting jumped with a pocket knife by Boascha" thing- I had fun hanging out with Matt.

When I get home, my mom and dad are both waiting for me at the kitchen. Somethings going on, my parents are never in the same room anymore..... I set my stuff down next to the chair and sit down across from them.

What on Earth is going on? I thought. My dad speaks, "Agustus, we both have something we need to tell you." Then my mom chimes in, "Look, you know about the- well, the divorce."

I flinch slightly at those words, im used to hearing them, but every time I hear it my insides jolt. Almost as if they're trying to protect heart from the dagger-like words.

I nod.

"Then you already know that I'm moving out" She says. I nod again, trying to stay collected. "Well," she says, "I'm not going to be staying in town...." She trails off.

Wait, what? My mom is leaving the boiling isles? I can't believe it.... she's actually.... leaving. My insides jolt again, the dagger almost touching my heart.

Still managing to sound calm I say, "Where are you going?" She gives me a sad look, one I've never seen. Then she says, "I'm going to Amphibia."

My insides jolt again, but this time it wasn't enough. The dagger-like words went straight through my heart and it split in two.

It took me all I could to not combust right then and there. Amphibia... I thought, why does she want to live there?

I nod my head again, "ok..." I whisper.

She then says, "I leave tonight, it's a long trip there."

Wow, I think, she really is leaving. Why? I know she doesn't love my father anymore, but doesn't she love me enough to stay on the Boiling Isles? Amphibia is on the other side of the friggin world!

She stands up and walks over to me. She kisses me on the forehead and says, "I love you Gus", but I don't even know if she means it anymore. Afterall, she had once told my dad the exact same thing. But she didn't even say goodbye to him. She just said "I love you Gus" and walked out the door. Not knowing if she'd ever look back.


Maybe she might.

I grab my bag from beside my chair and head upstairs. Without another seconds hesitation, I set down my bag and run back downstairs and out the door.

I run.

I run and run and run.

My feet hurt.

My heart is beating fast.

I dont know where I'm even running to.

I don't know where to go.

Do I even want to go anywhere?

I dont know

Why don't I know.

I stop running and catch my breath. I turn back around. Then I run all the way back to my house.

I run back up the stairs and into my room and close the door. I hold back my tears as best as I can.


I go over to my bed and hide under the sheets like a little kid. A little kid scared of the dark. A kid who is afraid the boogie man will snatch him up if he isn't protected by a cloth sheet.

But I wanted the boogie man to take me. Because then, I wouldn't be alone.

I wouldn't need to tell him anything, because he knows. He can see all your biggest fears, your biggest regrets.


I can't hold back my tears anymore. I breathe in sharply and I feel the tears pour out of my eyes like a garden hose left on full.

The words repeat in my head over and over. I replay every word. Every movement. My heart is falling apart and I can do nothing to put back together the pieces.

I cry until I can no longer shed tears. I cry till I no longer feel anything. I'm still sad, but my heart won't let me feel the pain. I cry until I fall asleep. Not dreaming, just black. Just peaceful, black nothingness. Where I'm not anyone, and nothing matters....

~Smol time skip~

I wake up, heart racing. Its 3 in the afternoon. Everything floods back to me. Every memory, every sentence, punches me in the face. Kicks me down into the dirt.

My heart starts racing, and my vision starts to go blue and blury. What the- what is happening!?!? My heart races even more. Willow, maybe she can help, I think.

I run like gravity doesn't exist. And before I know it, I'm knocking on Willow's door. No answer.

I get out my scroll to call her. Just then I realize she sent me a text saying <I'm on a day trip with my dad's, won't be home till later today!>

Oh no, I think. I need to calm down, I don't know what's happening to me. My vision gets more blurry and the blue shade gets more intense. I start to see faint images appear in the air, they look like illusions- sorta.

Then someone came to my mind.

I race all the way back to the park. I hope to see them, but I don't. I remember the way we took, so I run and retrace the steps. The next thing I know, I'm standing at Mattholomule's front door, ringing the doorbell and knocking semi-frantically.

He opens the door and stares at me, clearly having about as much of an idea as to what's happening as I am. He grabs my wrist gently and takes me indside. He quickly takes me up to his room and closes the door.

"Dude, what's going on?" He says, turning and walking towards me.
At this point I'm crying hysterically and barely standing up right. I don't say anything, my vision gets even blurrier.

He comes closer, I think at least, I can't really see much right now. I feel strange, I feel.... dizzy....

Everything that's happening feels like some sort of sick dream. I can't controll what is going on, what I'm doing. I see and hear what's going on but it all seems off. And nothing makes sense.

I don't really know what's going right now. Everything hurts. Everything's blurry, I can't see. I feel so dizzy, and tired. Wait.... 1...2...3...4...5, I remember.

1 2 3 4 5. 1 2 3 4 5. 1 2 3 4 5. I count over and over.

Suddenly I feel a tight embrace. And the smell of concrete and construction wood surrounds me. Just like that, everything is clear again. Everything seems normal.

Except its not. I still feel every last feeling I felt mere seconds ago. But right now, it feels like they're being blocked by a strange warmth.

I cry more and hug him back.

I feel warm, I feel safe.

After a minute or so of me calming down, we let go and sit facing eachother.

Matt immediately says, "Gus... what was that?". I don't know how to respond, I've never had anything like that happen before. "I-...... I don't know.." I replied.

(End Scene)




Dude, im so happy with how this chapter came out, I really hope you guys enjoyed it! I put a lot of effort into making my writing better and I'm proud of how it's starting to turn out. If you have any tips on how I can improve, please feel free to leave a comment!

Love you guys!
Get good sleep, stay hydrated and eat good foods!


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