~chapter 14~

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Willows POV:

Beep beep beep

I hear my alarm go off and I wake up. I get changed into some actual clothes and do a little something with my hair. Nothing fancy at all, just two braids. I don't like to go outside the house without my hair being done, I like feeling like I look good, you know?

I finish that and I have about an hour till I meet Gus. It's about a 10 minute walk to the park so I have about 50 minutes till I need to leave. I grab a snack for me and Gus and put it into my bag. Along with two water bottles for us as well.

I turn on the crystal ball on the counter and pace back and fourth while watching a show.

(Remember, the crystal balls are like their versions of TV)

I only have 5 minutes before I need to leave, but I'm so anxious that I decide to leave earlier. So I say bye to my dads and head out the door.

As I'm walking over I make sure to look at all the plants and trees. They're all so beautiful. I'd love to make gardens and farms of whatever kinds of plants I want. That would be so cool.

I get there and sit on one of the swings, setting my bag down next to me. I think to myself for a bit as I wait for Gus to get here.

Gus POV:

I put on my shoes and headed out the door. I don't feel too sure about this now that I'm actually going to talk to Willow about this. I'd trust her with my life- but it feels different when I think about telling her this.

We've both exchanged big secrets in the past. And I've never told anyone. Nor has she. But why does it feel like such a big think to tell her about something about my parents?

I'm so confused. I might talk to her about other things if I have the time, but I'm at the park now so I need to stop thinking about that.

I walk over to Willow and sit down on the swing next to her. "Hey Willow" I say. She waves back and says, "Hi Gus. What did you want to talk about?"

I felt my whole body tense up. For a split second I had forgot about this, then BAM! It smacked me in the face like a wet piece of cheese.

"O-oh yeah, about that..." I trailed off. "Ok, im gonna tell you but you have to promise not to cut in or get mad... ok?"

She nodded. Ok Gus, you got this. Deep breathes, deep breathes.... and go!

"So for quite a few years... my parents have been going through a...... divorce" I could see her facial expression change. "It's been really rough... they were always yelling at eachother when I was home... throwing things at the walls.... things got broken.... it was bad."

I could feel myself start to tear up but I held them back and continued telling her my story.

"2 months ago, they were finally able to get their divorce. And just yesterday..... my mom moved out-"

I felt the tears fall down my face and onto my hands resting on my lap.

"A-and she is moving. Really far away.... She's not on the Boiling Isles anymore, she left yesterday..."

I stopped talking. I couldn't talk. The tears were almost suffocating. These ones hurt even more than the ones yesterday. Telling someone else solidified it.... it wasn't just in my head... it actually happened.... she is gone....

I dropped to the ground and covered my face with my hands. Taking gasps of air to breathe through my cries. Willow sat down next to me and hugged me tightly.

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