~ I have some news....~

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Hey everyone,

I know this isn't my normal "content", but it's really important.

So, recently I got some family related news that is going to change a lot. I don't know how it's going to affect my mental health, but I know it's going to be bad. That's why I probably won't update for a while. I might update every other week, or once a month... I'm not sure. A lot is going to change for me and I need to help my family get through this, especially my younger sister. She's only 10 and this is going to be very hard on her. She's too young for this, and I want to be there for everyone. I can only promise that I'll try to be my best self, for their sake and mine.

The way I see my depression, I'm a little ship, and everything else is the ocean. My depression is like a leak in the ship, I thought that the materials to patch it up were on their way, but I was too hopeful. While the supply ship was almost in sight, it sank. And with the sinking of such a large ship of hope, came the waves. The waves made the hole bigger, so big I don't know how long it'll take to patch it up. Or how much more I can take before my ship starts to sink.

The sad thing is; Just 3 fucking days ago, I told my older sister "I think I might be able to be happy again". Everything seemed to be going fine. I just got depression mess, I'm going to get to see my theater friends a few times a week, I did good on my tests this week, even my eye bags started to go away.

I thought I was getting better. But my chance at that was taken away from me.

This may sound like a goodbye, but I promise it isn't. I genuinely can't believe how much support you guys have given me during my short time here so far. You guys are so crazy. I know that a lot of you are probably struggling through something right now. I want to to know that I believe in you. You can power through this. Don't be too hard on yourself if you feel weak, or vulnerable at times. We've all been there before, it's part of being human. When that happens, take some time for yourself. Sit down and listen to your needs, take care of yourself the best you can. And when you start to feel better, stand up again. Keep walking through the tunnel and reach the end of it. You can take tiny steps, or really big steps if you want.

Whatever you do, give yourself some grace during your struggles, eat some good food if you can, maybe watch a movie that brings you comfort.

I hope we meet again soon, I love you guys so much.
--------> 🫂✨️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️✨️
(Till we meet again, readers)

[Date: December 3rd, 2022]

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