Part 2

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He towered over her, his eyes as hard as stone, burning a hole in her. His hands were on either side of her head, caging her in, pinning her against the wall, his breath hot in her face. She whimpered softly, turning her head, praying that this would end without any pain.

"David, I swear...I haven't seen him or talked to him," she begged, hating the strangled way her words sounded, begging him to believe her because, if not, she knew what was going to happen.

"You are a lying little whore," his voice hissed in her ear as he slammed her head forcefully against the wall and she saw stars behind her eyelids.

His hand whipped out and wrapped around her throat. She couldn't breathe, clawing at his hands, desperately trying to pull them away. It was no use. His hand was like a vice, cutting off her air supply. His face began to fade from view as the edges of her vision grew fuzzy, everything fading into a pinpoint of black. He was going to kill her.


Elizabeth shot up in bed, gasping, immediately reaching for her throat to assure herself nothing was there. She was fine. She was okay. She was safe. She kept repeating it in her head. It was just a nightmare. She frantically looked around the room, examining every corner in fear that the monster was going to be standing there, that it had followed her home to Hawkins. Slowly, she rose from the bed and walked over, flipping on the light, flooding the room with brightness. The scariest monsters hid in the dark and the shadows. She knew that better than she wished to.

She slowly walked around the room, peering under the bed and in the closet. She approached the window, gingerly pushing the curtain aside and peering out. She saw nothing. The street was empty, just as you would expect at four in the morning. The lights in all the houses were out, everyone peacefully asleep in their beds except for her.

Elizabeth took in a deep breath. She hadn't been aware that she had been holding it all this time. She felt ridiculous. Of course he wasn't here but it was only a matter of time before he looked here. He knew she had nowhere else to go. He'd made damn sure of that. She glanced back at her bed, the blankets and pillows looking cozy and warm. Elizabeth turned away, knowing there was no way she would be getting any more sleep tonight.

She headed down the stairs, trying to be as quiet as she could. She didn't want to ruin her mom's rest as well. One of them may as well get a good night's sleep. Walking into the kitchen, she grabbed the coffee, adding grounds and water, turning on the machine. As she stood waiting for the much needed caffeine, her eyes caught sight of something and she walked over to the wall.

There, in a frame, was a picture of her wedding day. She was wearing her white Cinderella style dress. She had been so excited when she found that dress. Elizabeth had always loved Disney movies, and she had dreamed of feeling like a princess on her wedding day since she was a little girl. That dress had been everything that seven year old girl had fantasized about. It had a beautiful beaded bodice that had a halter neckline and the skirt was tulle and flared out like a ballgown. She remembered twirling in front of the mirror at the dress shop, certain it was the one. She remembered the way her mother's eyes filled with tears at the sight of her, the, she couldn't bear to think about him right now.

David had looked so handsome in his tux, just like the Prince Charming she'd always imagined marrying. She gently touched his image, wondering how that face she had once loved had hidden something so dark and sinister from her for so long. She remembered their first dance, how lucky she had felt with his arms circled around her as they twirled around the reception hall. She'd felt so safe and so optimistic for what the future would hold for them. If only she could have known then what the future actually held, she may have avoided the biggest mistake of her life.

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