Part 18

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 "Have a good night Kelly," Elizabeth called, waving as she headed out the front door of the coffee shop.

The coffee shop stayed open until nine for those people who needed their evening coffee. Coffee dates were apparently very popular and there seemed to be a lot of people who needed that extra pep in their step come evening. Elizabeth wasn't surprised, considering she was often one of those people. A lot of her friends had claimed they couldn't drink coffee after a certain time or they wouldn't sleep. Not her. If she couldn't sleep, there were lots of other reasons, but never because of the extra cup of coffee she'd enjoyed.

Eddie was waiting for her, leaning against the side of his van, a cigarette in between his lips. Jesus, why did he always have to look so damn beautiful? He glanced up as she headed toward him and she had to tell her heart to calm the hell down. If it didn't stop pounding so hard, he was definitely going to hear it.

"You ready?" he asked, flicking his cigarette into the street and walking around to open her door.

"Yep," she answered simply, climbing in.

He shut the door and ran around, jumping in the driver's side. Eddie pulled away from the curb, heading for the lake and she took a deep breath. She could do this. She could control herself. Her mind had been racing since her conversation with Angie. Putting words to her feelings only appeared to make it worse. She had to do this because she couldn't afford to lose Eddie, not now. He was the only thing keeping her sane right now.

"How was work?" he asked.

"Good," she replied, keeping her gaze out her window. It was easier to ignore how she felt when she wasn't looking at him. "It was a bit dead midday but it picked up in the afternoon. I prefer being busy. It makes my shift go faster."

"I get that," Eddie agreed. "I hate when the store is dead. It's like time just stops. You keep looking at the clock, thinking it's been an hour and it's only been five minutes. So, you're liking the coffee shop?"

"I am," Elizabeth nodded, meaning it. "I feel crazy for saying it, but I really like working with Angie. She's become a really good friend. It's nice to have a girlfriend, you know? I haven't had one of those in a really long time. I like interacting with all the people, and getting to know them. We have so many regulars, I am beginning to know them on a personal level. It's amazing what people will tell you while you're making them coffee."

"Really?" he asked. "Like what?"

"Okay. So, this one lady told me all about her best friend. The woman is in her seventies and has been married for over forty years. Her husband works nights and her boyfriend comes over every night."

" affair," Eddie commented. "I mean, that's juicy but not uncommon."

"Oh, but it gets better. You haven't heard the best part yet," Elizabeth stated. "The boyfriend is thirty years younger than her."

"Shit, that is better," he laughed, hitting his hand against the steering wheel. "I mean, go granny. She's robbing the cradle and getting some action."

"Not only is she robbing the cradle, but this guy has been her boyfriend since he was in high school when he was, wait for it...her son's best friend."

"Oh shit!" Eddie yelled. "No! You've got to be kidding?"

"According to the lady, it's all true," Elizabeth chuckled, shrugging. "She said all of the neighbors know, but they try to hide it. He parks down the street, thinking he's being sneaky, getting out of his car with wine and take-out."

"Oh my god." Eddie was struggling to catch his breath through his laughter. "That might be the greatest thing I have ever heard. I can't even imagine what her son must think. I feel bad for the guy."

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