Chapter 19

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Recap for those who didn't want to read the gorey stuff from the last chapter:

The angel was doing everything he could to keep (Y/N) safe and was trying to get her to leave, however Lucifer came in and started threatening (Y/N). He was telling (Y/N) that they need each other and if she doesn't join the rebellion, he would kill her. Because trauma ig idk. Writers like giving characters trauma *lip bite*. So Lucifer hurts (Y/N) because she said she's not going to join his super secret boy band (Tony Stark anyone?) and so the angel helped heal her as much as he could but with an injury that deep, it can't be simply miracled away. So he also stitched her up. And thennn they left her Laboratory in case they came back and he was going to take (Y/N) somewhere safe until Aziraphale and Gabriel popped up with the flaming sword and, since the angel was one of the co-founders of the group for the rebellion, Gabriel commanded Aziraphale to smite the angel. And that's when (Y/N) remembered his name, Raphael.

"Raphael?" Crowley knitted his eyebrows, a small sound of discomfort escaping him. "Ngk. Crowley's a much better name, don't you think, love?"

I nodded shakily, anxiety hitting me hard as I cling to Crowley. I can't lose him too, not again. I look up at Aziraphale who looks completely torn at the fact that he's the one who made Crowley fall.

"You were just listening to orders, Zira. It's not your fault." I told him softly. "I don't think either of us could be upset with you now."

Raphael's wings started to slowly turn black. Gabriel had let go of me at this point so I quickly stood and ran over to my dear Angel. My Star Maker. "Raphael? Love, look at me." I whispered as I held him in my arms just as he did to me mere moments ago. We both had tears in our eyes as we gazed at each other. I held his hand tightly in mine, holding it close to my chest as I watched him groan in pain.

"It feels like fire." He groaned as his wings became darker and darker. "What-What's happening to me?"

"I don't know love. But it's going to be okay, you're going to be just fine. I promise. Just keep your eyes on me, okay? Don't stop looking at me. No one else." I whispered, moving his hair out of his face so I could get a good last look at him.

"I don't want to go." He said, his voice trembling. I swallowed thickly, trying to will my emotions to hold on, just for him. So that the last thing he sees is my smiley face. "What happened to the last guy? Where did he go? Am I going to disappear too?"

I shook my head and rested my forehead against his, a soft sigh escaping my lips as I held Raphael close. "You're going to be just fine. And I'm going to find you again, I swear. I love you, Raphael." I looked in his eyes and he shut them tightly for a second as he groaned in pain again.

"I... I love you, (Y/N). I always will." He opened his eyes again and I was shocked to see that his crystal blue eyes had changed to the golden serpentine eyes of the snake that I had him hold just moments ago.

Tears escaped my eyes as I closed the gap between us, kissing him like my life depends on it. My hand cradled the back of his head as I kissed him hard and his own hand entangled in my (H/C) locks. The feeling of his lips on mine was electrifying, making my head start spinning as I kept him close to me. However the kiss didn't get to last as long as I had hoped as he gasped harshly, clinging tighter to my hand. I backed my face away from his a few inches and suddenly, my angel, my star maker, my Raphael disappeared right from under me.

"No... No! NO! RAPHAEL!" I screamed, my heart feeling like it was torn into a million little pieces. A loud scream erupted from my throat as I cried. I was inconsolable. The man that I loved, was gone. And even though I had promised him I would find him again, I wasn't sure I actually would. For all I knew, he was gone for good.

The Mistake And Her Temptation (Good Omens, Crowley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now