Episode 7 - Haymitch and Drinking

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Welcome everyone! To another exciting episode of Capitol TV! Before we get to our story, I have a quick announcement.

The owner of this profile, yours truly, lives in Oklahoma, and last night there were tornados less than a mile away from my house, not to mention huge storms with hail rattling against my windows all night. I didn't sleep well, I'm a bit shaken up, so I might not be updating today.

Anyway, our guests tonight are Effie Trinket and Haymitch Abernathy!

Crowd: *cheers* WE LOVE YOU EFFIE

Effie: *blows kisses to crowd* I love you too!

Haymitch: *pouts cause no one loves him*

Me: Oh, cheer up. No one likes you when you're sober. *laughs hysterically* Get it? *laughs* When you're sober? *falls out of chair laughing*

Haymitch: Your puns are worse than Peeta's.

Me: Ru-ude.

Haymitch: The truth hurts.

Me: So, let's get down to business. The question is: Did you stop drinking for Effie, Haymitch?

Effie: *laughs at the hilariousness of the idea* He most certainly did not!

Haymitch: *dryly* Yeah, liquor's worth more than her any day.

Crowd: Ooooooooooh

Effie: *insulted*

Haymitch: I'm just kidding *tries to put arm around Effie*

Effie: *scoots away*

Haymitch: *rolls his eyes* Whatever.

Me: Ooooook then...

Haymitch: Anyway, no, I did not. I don't drink as much as I used to, but you can't break a habit that fast. Now I've got it down to about every two weeks though.

Effie: Still too much for my taste.

Haymitch: Well your taste is a bit to refined for my taste, sweetheart.

Effie: *rolls her eyes* Men.

Me: Tell me about it. My boyfriend broke up with me because I didn't laugh at his jokes. How sad is that?

Effie: *pats my shoulder* I'm sorry.

Me: Eh, I never liked him anyway.

Effie: ...

Haymitch: Got any liquor?

Me: Do I look like I got any liquor?

Haymitch: I don't know, that's why I asked.

Me: I'm literally 15.

Haymitch: So...?

Me: *sigh* I can't even drink until I'm 21!

Haymitch: Oh. Right. I knew that.

Effie: *sigh*

Me: Well, thank you both for gracing us with your presence!

Effie: We were delighted to come, weren't we, Haymitch?

Haymitch: *didn't hear*

Effie: *elbows Haymitch in the side* weren't we, Haymitch?

Haymitch: What? Oh, yes, yes. Decadent.

Effie: Delighted.

Haymitch: Delighted.

Me: Delighted.

Effie: -_-

Me: That's all for tonight! Tune in next week! Don't forget to send in your questions, and vote!

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