Episode 9 - Finch and Thresh?

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Tonight, before we get to our top story, I have an announcement for all the poodle-owning Capitol citizens. There is a new law stating that you may only walk your dogs on Wednesdays and Sundays, and only in specified poodle areas. Thank you.

Anyway, our guests tonight are Finch and Thresh!

Crowd: *not that excited*

Thresh: Gee, thanks.

Finch: I feel so loved.

Me: *sigh*

Thresh: Just get to the question.

Me: What if I don't want to?

Finch: It's literally your job.

Me: -_-

Finch: Well...?

Me: Fine. Finch and Thresh, are the rumors true that you are together?

Finch: *blushes*

Thresh: Um...well...

Me: Answer the question.

Finch: Uh...

Me: Answer the question!

Thresh: Well...


Thresh: Ok, ok! Yes! They're true!

Random Threshface shipper: I KNEW IT!

Me: Ooh tell us more!

Thresh: I don't know, we just ran into each other after we got revived, and started hanging out, and started dating. Nothing special.

Me: What are your thoughts on it, Finch?

Finch: I don't like talking.

Me: Oh.

Thresh: Yeah.

Me: Anyway, how have you two dealt with the age gap?

Thresh: What age gap?

Finch: He's 17, I'm 15. It's not that big.

Me: Oh...I guess we all just got the impression that he's older...and you're younger...

Thresh: What do you mean?

Me: Well, I thought you were like 20-something, and Finch was maybe 13...

Thresh: I couldn't compete in the Games if I was 20-something...

Me: Oh. Right. Knew that.

Crowd: *laughs*

Me: Next question! Thresh, did anyone talk to you during training, or were they too scared?

Thresh: The Careers tried to, once, and I told them to go away or I'd shove my scythe up their throat. After that, the only person who did was Rue.

Me: Awww Rue was adorable. Personal question: Why'd you kill Clove? She didn't kill Rue.

Thresh: She was a Career, and a Career killed Rue, so I killed her to make up for it.

Me: One last question: Finch, how do you feel about your nickname?

Finch: I have a nickname?

Me: Yeah...

Finch: Oh...that Foxface thing...

Me: Yep.

Finch: I hate it.

Me: Why?

Finch: It's stupid! Katniss is stupid for giving it to me!

Me: Ok...that's all for now! Remember to send in your questions and vote! Au revoir!

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