Episode 25 - A BABY?! (We're back!)

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Guess who's back! If you said Oprah, you're wrong! It's meeeeeeee!

Crowd: *silent*

Me: Oh, gee, thank you. *sarcasm*

Effie: Just ask us the questions.

Me: All right. Please welcome our guests today, Haymitch and Effie!

Crowd: *goes wild*

Effie: Thank you!

Haymitch: *mumbles something about ducks*

Me: Is he drunk?

Effie: Yes...

Me: *sigh* All right. First question: How are you?

Effie: Well, I-

Haymitch: Do you know where I can keep my duck?

Me: Your...your duck...?

Haymitch: *holds up nothing* H-his name...his name is Henry...and he loves c-crackers.

Me: All right...

Effie: Ignore him. As I was saying-


Effie: *sigh* Anyway-

Haymitch: CRACKERS! *pounds chair*

Effie: *gasp* That is mahogany!

Haymitch: *gets up and falls over*

Peacekeepers: *drag Haymitch off the stage* He'll be back in a few minutes.

Me: Um...alright...

Effie: Anyway. Other than the drinking problem, we are going perfectly spectacular.

Me: That's great! Any news?

Effie: Well...we're engaged! *holds up hand with ring on it*

Crowd: Awww! *cheers*

Me: Congratulations! I'm so happy for you!

Haymitch: *walks back* I've never gotten sober that fast.

Me: Nice to see you, again.

Haymitch: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Ask the questions so I can go take a nap.

Me: All right! The question is: IS EFFIE PREGNANT!?

Haymitch: I hope not. We certainly haven't done any baby-making together.

Effie: *horrified* Do I look pregnant?!

Me: No, of course not!

Effie: Good. And no. I am not pregnant. I haven't done any "baby-making" with anyone.

Haymitch: Thank goodness.

Me: That's all for today! Comment your questions and vote! Bye!

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