Episode 11 - Games?

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Our special guest today, back again, is Plutarch Heavensbee!

Crowd: *cheers*

Plutarch: Nice to be here again, so soon.

Me: Yes, well, apparently one certain fan didn't understand a very important fact. I'm looking at you, Alexaro5e.

Plutarch: And what fact would that be?

Me: Her questions: "Wait, so are the games still going on? Because if the games disappeared, why would it still matter about the 1 tribute winner thing?"

Plutarch: Of course the games are still going on! Why would they not be? They are an integral part of life here in Panem! They are a way for the country to come together, a way that happens every year, without fail. Why would that be stopped?

Me: *shrugs*

Plutarch: Is that all?

Me: *shrugs*

Plutarch: Well...?

Me: *shrugs*

Plutarch: *sigh* Is this normal?

Me: *shrugs*

Plutarch: Are you stupid?

Me: *shrugs*

Plutarch: I'm just going to go now... *leaves*

Me: Well, that's all! Sorry for the short episode! See you next time! Remember to send in your questions, and vote! Hasta mañana!

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