Episode 13 - Cato and Clove

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Amazing episode today! Let's get right to our guests, Cato and Clove!

Crowd: *cheers*


Cato: Is she ok?

Clove: Just...back away slowly...


Clove: You're really acting like it.

Me: -_-

Cato: It's true.

Me: Ok fine I'll turn off fangirl mode. Better now?

Cato: I hope so.

Me: -_-

Clove: You make that face a lot.

Cato: You look like a whale.

Me: -_-

Clove: Exactly!

Me: Whatever. Anyway, let's get to the questions! First question: Cato, how did you feel when Clove died?

Cato: Um... *puts arm around Clove protectively* Well, I was devastated.

Me: How about you walk us through what happened.

Cato: Well, I was waiting for Peeta. I knew Clove could handle Katniss. I didn't count on Thresh. When I heard her screaming my name, I got this terrible sick feeling in my stomach.

Clove: *quietly* It was awful.

Cato: *nods* I...I ran as fast as I could to the clearing, just in time to see Thresh take off with the backpacks. I didn't care. All I noticed was Clove, on the ground. *close to tears*

Me: And?

Cato: Well, I ran to her, and sat by her, begging her to stay with me. But...she...she died...and...I was so devastated. I had trouble breathing, and I couldn't function, and I was just ready to die. But I decided that I needed to try to win. For Clove.

Crowd: Awwwwwww *almost everyone crying*

Cato: So, I tried to. But when Katniss was going to shoot me down, I was more than happy to go.

Me: *sobbing uncontrollably*

Clove: *whispers* I think she accidentally hit the fangirl switch again.

Cato: Great.

Me: No no I'm ok *sobbing*

Cato: I'm about to get to the happy part.


Clove: Calm down...

Me: -_-

Cato: Anyway, I don't remember anything that happened until I woke up in a hospital bed, after I got revived. Clove was sitting at my bedside.

Clove: When I saw his eyes open, I started crying for joy. It was the most amazing thing ever. And now we can be together forever.

Cato: Yep. Forever.

Me: Awwwwwwwwww

Crowd: Awwwwwwwww

World: Awwwwwwwww

Glimmer: If I say "Aw" will Alexaro5e stop hating me?

Me: Glimmer go away you aren't supposed to be here.

Glimmer: But-


Glimmer: Ok, ok, geez.

Me: Anyway, on to our next question. Did you two, and I quote, "go all kissy kissy, lovey dovey in the arena?"

Clove: Well, that's not awkward at all.

Cato: It's not like we'd want to keep that information secret.

Me: ANSWER NOW!... For the viewers...?

Cato: Ok! Sheesh. Someone's feisty today.

Me: Thank you, I had an extra special breakfast of fangirl flakes and crazy muffin.

Clove: Well that explains it.

Cato: I guess that's all!

Me: Ye- nope. Not getting out of it so easily. Answer the question.

Cato: Come on! Are we not allowed to have privacy?

Me: Nope.

Cato: *sigh*

Clove: *sigh*

Cato: Ugh.

Clove: FINE! Yes. Yes we did.

Me: Now give me details! I mean...give the viewers details!

Cato: Ew, no.

Me: You have to.

Clove: You asked a yes or no question. I said yes. I answered the question. Ha.


Cato: Are you three?

Me: *sarcastic* Yes, I'm three, and I'm also a sugar plum fairy and the Queen of England and Santa Claus. QUEEN SANTA SUGAR PLUM FAIRY CLAUS OF ENGLAND!

Cato: Follow up question: Are you high?

Clove: That would explain a lot.

Me: No! How dare you!

Cato: Hey, you're the one who's acting like it.

Me: -_-

Clove: The whale face is back!

Me: How do I manage to always get on the bad side of my guests?

Cato: Not the bad side, the we-think-you're-high side.

Me: *sarcastic* Right, my bad, sorry to offend.

Clove: Hey, we don't think you're that bad.

Cato: I bet if you weren't high you'd be pretty funny.

Clove: Cato!

Cato: Sorry.

Me: Well, we'll have you two back soon, and I'm sure I'll have planned my revenge by then. See you guys next time! Send in your questions, particularly the ones for Cato and Clove! Like, every weird question you can think of! Maybe one about those deta-

Cato: How about no.

Me: Fine. Whatever. Anyway, remember to vote! Buenas noches!

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