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Scene: Joan Clayton sitting at her desk typing on her laptop. Strong emotions are seen in her eyes as the audience can only see her eyes at first and will pan through the rest of her face as she types.

Joan Clayton's Blog Reads (as seen on her laptop screen):

Today I received a phone call and I don't know how I feel about it. I mean, it's been close to 17 years since I have heard from my EX-girlfriend TC, and yesterday, totally out of the blue, she left me a message. Today, I want to focus on forgiveness, but how can I forgive a 17-year absence from my life? I have not returned her call... I mean, why would she assume that I would even accept some kind of reconciliation?

Scene: Cut to a quick scene of Joan listening to her voicemail while holding her iPhone in her hand.

Toni's Voicemail: Hello, Joan. I... think it's about time we... I mean... I have been meaning to contact you... Well, I know it's been 17 years... Time sure flies by, doesn't it? (Pause) Joan, I want us to talk. I mean, I need us to talk. I think I... Yes, I will take ownership of this one... I let my anger get the best of me because you tried, Joan. You tried to contact me and I did not return the courtesy of accepting your apology. Joan... I need my friend back.

Scene: Back to Joan typing into her laptop. Cut to her fingers on the keyboard and then quick cut to her tears streaming down her eyes.

Joan Clayton's Blog Reads (as seen on her laptop screen):

TC stated that she "needs" her friend back. SHE needs her friend back. SHE needs HER friend back? I mean, what happened to ME needing MY friend back 17 years ago?! (Stops typing angrily)

Scene: The camera cuts to Joan taking her hands off the keyboard and resting them on her lap as she breathes a few beats heavily. (We hear the breathing) She stops to close her eyes and her breathing slows as she is trying to lower her very visible raw emotions of anger and frustration. Joan then goes quickly back to typing on the keyboard and we get a quick glimpse of her hands moving along quickly.

Joan Clayton's Blog Reads (as seen on her laptop screen):

Have you ever forgiven someone you have not spoken to for 17 years? How do you begin to process that and be OK with picking up where they left off 17 years ago? I mean, is that even possible? Can you forgive someone who punished you for 17 years by letting you sit "unread," silenced for SEVENTEEN YEARS??? I welcome your feedback, friends.

Signed your friend,
J. C. Clayton

Scene: The camera pans Joan removing her hands from the keyboard and folding her arms as she sits and stares at the computer screen for two beats. Joan's iPhone rings as it sits next to her laptop and we hear the ring-tone rap song "NO FLEX ZONE." Joan looks at her iPhone. Cut to the caller's name on Joan's iPhone of "Toni Childs." Joan puts her iPhone face down back onto the desk and gets up from her desk chair and walks out of her office. The rap song "NO FLEX ZONE" continues to play as we follow as Joan exits her office.

End Scene

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