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Scene 12: (The Following Week) The Camera pans Joan and Aaron's kitchen as we see Joan enter through the kitchen patio door. Joan puts her clutch and car keys down on the kitchen counter and she takes out a bottle of water. Joan proceeds to walk toward the living room area and puts the bottle of water down on the counter.

Joan: (raising her voice) Babe, I'm home! You want to go...

As Joan enters the living room area, Aaron is sitting on the couch and when the camera pans the living room, we see Todd Garrett, Toni Child's ex-husband sitting opposite Aaron, and next to Todd sits a seventeen-year-old biracial teen. Joan stops short when she takes in the company sitting on the couch. 

Joan: (looks around-stunned) What's this?

Todd gets up from the couch and takes a few steps toward Joan with an apologetic look on his face.

Todd: Hello, Joan. I'm sorry to show up like this and I thank your husband for even accepting this visit... 

Joan looks over at Aaron as they lock eyes and he looks at her apologetically.

Todd: (continues) I had to see you, Joan... I wanted to use this visit as an opportunity to bring Morgan by to finally meet you face to face. (Todd turns around and motions for Morgan to stand up and introduce herself).

Morgan Garrett stands up nervously and walks towards Joan who still stands stunned and in disbelief. Morgan walks closer to Joan and very shyly extends her hand for Joan to shake.

Morgan: (nervously shakes Joan's hand) Hi, Jo... I mean, Auntie Joan. I hope it's Ok to call you that. I've heard all about you for my whole entire life... (smiles nervously)

Joan: (still holding on to Morgan's hand and just as nervous) Hi, Morgan... (let's go of Morgan's hand and opens her arms wide) Is it OK if I hug you?

Morgan: (shakes her head "yes" getting emotional) Of course, Auntie Joan! I was hoping you would ask. (shyly envelopes Joan with her arms)

Joan and Morgan hug and as they do, Joan begins to cry. After they hug for a few seconds, Joan takes a step back and observes Morgan in disbelief.

Joan: (wiping her tears) I truly cannot believe that the baby that I held in my arms and fed and burped is this beautiful young woman standing before me. (slightly embarrassed) I'm sorry for the tears.

Morgan: (shyly) It's Ok. I've been looking forward to this day for a long time, right daddy? 

Todd: (agrees with Morgan) Right.

Joan: (to Todd and Morgan) Please take a seat.

Todd and Morgan both sit back down and Joan sits next to Aaron on the couch opposite them. Aaron takes Joan's hand as if to brace her somehow but also to provide comfort. We can see on their faces that they feel that something is not right. Joan sits back and looks at Todd waiting for an explanation.

Todd: (looks at Joan) Joan, I know that Toni has been trying to reach you for the last few weeks... I know that because she reached out to me to try and reach you on my trip home. This is our last weekend here and I told her I would try to reach you myself. It wasn't hard to find one of LA's hottest entrepreneurs in the restaurant business, and we've gone to the J-Spot in NYC. Morgan wants to have her Graduation party there as she enters her last year of High School. 

Morgan: (excited) I go to the La Guardia High School of Music and Art, Auntie Joan. And I love your place, but I think I love it because I know that it's yours.  

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