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Scene 10: The camera pans the inside of the J-Spot. Joan sits by the bar briefly talking to the bartender. The J-Spot is busy with some customers. William walks in through the door and meets Joan at the bar. 

William: (hugging Joan) So what was so important we had to meet tonight?

Joan: (hugging William) You know me, always something important going on. 

Both William and Joan sit on the couch in the middle of the J-Spot. They both sit close to be able to speak privately, as J-Spot customers walk by with drinks. William looks at Joan and notices the tears welling up in her eyes. 

William: (sincerely) Hey. Hey. Hey. (reaches out for Joan's hand) What's going on? Monica will not interfere with the new opening this time. I promise. She's going to be at her sister's for a few weeks. So Miami, here we come! (pumps fist in the air in excitement) Yay!

Joan: (lightly chuckles) No... that's not it.

William: So what is it, Joan? What's going on?

Joan: (breaths deeply) Toni called me.

William: (surprised) What? Toni Childs? That Toni Childs?

Joan: (rolls her eyes) Yes, William. That Toni Childs.

William: (intrigued) So? What did she say? Did you guys finally make up?

Joan: No, I haven't returned her calls. I just can't do it, William. And since I haven't returned her calls, I guess, oddly enough, she told Todd to contact me, he is coming to LA and wants to meet with me. 

William: (rubs his hands on his lap as if sweaty) Oh? So now what?

Joan: (pouts) William, I just can't do it. You know my hands are full. I have too much going on with Aaron. We are still adjusting... the meds. The surgeries. The blame. The lack of intimacy...

William: (a bit embarrassed) Woah Woah! Too much, Joan. Too much... wait. The blame?

Joan: (looks at her scar) Yeah, he blames me, William. 

William: (looking at Joan's scar) You mean for the accident?

Joan: (looks up at William) Yeah.  (pause) William, and to be honest... I think... he may be right. 

William: (shaking his head) No, Joan. He is not. You were not the one driving that night. He was. 

Joan: (disagreeing) Yeah, but I started the argument. 

William: (firmly) Joan, the driver that t-boned you was drunk, not Aaron...

As this scene progresses, the J-Spot begins to empty out as it is near closing time. So that by the end of the scene, we only see employees and the bartender starting to clean up. 

Joan: (sternly) William, I made him lose focus. We were arguing. The argument escalated. And right before we got to that stop sign, I told him that I was done. Nobody knows that part except you now. (on a tangent of frustration) I was screaming and yelling... Which then caused him to make a rolling stop. THAT is what caused the accident. It's what caused the hip replacement, the knee replacement, the constant arguments... And this damn scar! (starts crying)

William: Joan, stop! Stop doing this to yourself. You did not cause him the hip and knee replacement. Aaron already had his hip and knee issues when he came back from Iraq. You know this.

GIRLFRIENDS: NOW 1 (Reunion) Where stories live. Discover now