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Scene 21: The camera pans to Joan & Aaron's kitchen nook which is the entrance to their home.  We see on the counter romantic candles lit, a huge floral arrangement of roses, wine glasses, and a bottle of wine. The lights are dim to demonstrate a romantic setting. The camera then pans to the outside of the house where we see Joan walking up the driveway with her small LV suitcase. 

Joan: (yelling off camera) Darnell, thank you for picking us up! See you tomorrow, Maya! I'll be by to pick up Karolyn! (Maya says something to Joan) Oh! Yeah, I'll call Lynn to make sure she made it home safely! Good night!

Joan turns and walks into the setting described above in her kitchen nook. There is music playing. We hear "Object of My Desire" by Starpoint. Joan looks around surprised and a wide smile comes over her face. The music softens as Joan begins her dialogue.

Joan: (smiling, setting down her bags) Aaron! Babe! Where are you? (turns around to take in the setting in her kitchen smiling).

Aaron enters the kitchen area that comes from the bedrooms. Aaron is wearing a satin bathrobe and he carries a gift wrapped in a large yellow bow. He puts the gift down on the counter.

Aaron: (putting his arms around Joan and giving her a tight hug) Welcome home, babe. (kisses Joan ever so gently and sways back and forth a bit to the music)

Joan: (surprise written on her face - kisses Aaron and lingering sways back and forth as she looks at him) Wow. That was nice... (gives Aaron another hug) I've missed you. (looks over at the gift - in a cute voice of wonder) What's this??

Aaron: (extending his hand with the gift) I wanted to get you something for multiple reasons. One, you deserve to come home to something special. Two, I've missed you. And Three, I feel like I owe it to you. 

Joan stands looking at Aaron and at the gift in her hands with tears in her eyes. Joan is speechless.

Aaron: (soft smile) Woman, are you going to open your gift or not? (laughs)

Joan laughs and wipes her eyes. She begins to open her gift. When she takes the wrapper and the bow off, we see that it is a box from Tiffany's & Co. 

Joan: (taking out a pearl bracelet) Oh my God, Aaron! You got me the Tiffany's Pearl Lock Bracelet?! Oh my God! (beat) Aaron, this bracelet cost $2000!

At this point "Object of my Desire" by Starpoint has faded and we hear "I Can't Get Enough" by Tamia. 

Aaron: (grabs Joan by the hand) Babe, you are worth every penny. I wanted to give you something I know you wanted.  (pause) Look, this has been a tough year and I made it harder than it needed to be. I love you, Joan. I'm not afraid anymore, babe. I had my first two therapy sessions, and I'm actually looking forward to going again. Isn't that funny? I feel good... (moving closer) And... I'm hoping you feel good too. (gets closer to Joan and puts the gift on the counter grabs a hold of her and starts swaying back and forth to the music) because tonight we have a lot to celebrate. Don't you think? 

Joan: (wraps her arms around Aaron's neck and stands close and begins to sway in his arms - holds his face in her hands close to hers) So let's celebrate then. (kisses Aaron passionately) 

The camera pans outward to get a grander view of the kitchen as Aaron and Joan stand kissing each other passionately as the song continues to play in the background. Aaron stops kissing Joan to lead her out of the kitchen and we see him grab her hand and lead her to the bedroom. Joan follows holding Aaron's hand as they slowly walk out.

End Scene.

GIRLFRIENDS: NOW 1 (Reunion) Where stories live. Discover now