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Scene 6: The camera pans Joan & Karolyn walking into Joan's kitchen nook. Joan walks over to the counter and puts her clutch and keys down and begins to look through the mail. Karolyn walks to the refrigerator and takes out a pint of almond milk and drinks right out of the carton, she then puts it back into the refrigerator.

Joan: (looks up from the mail at Karolyn) Sweetie, how many times do I have to tell you to not drink out of the carton? It's bad enough your Auntie Lynn does it... Now, go get the sharpie and put your name on the carton. 

Karolyn: (walks over to one of the counters draws and takes a sharpie out and walks back to the refrigerator - she writes her name on the carton exaggeratedly and puts the almond milk back into the refrigerator) (to Joan) Happy now?

Karolyn turns to walk away to exit the kitchen and Joan calls her back in.

Joan: Karolyn. (walks toward Karolyn) Baby, don't walk away mad. 

Karolyn: (stops walking and walks back toward Joan) I'm good, mommy. Honestly, we don't need anybody else to be mad all up and through here.

Joan: (hugs Karolyn) Oh my! You spend a lot of time with your Auntie Maya too! Maya's isms are permeating all up and through here (moves her fingers indicating all around) And nobody is mad... (holds Karolyn's face in the palms of her hands) We just have some things that need adjusting.

Karolyn: (leans on the counter) Mommy, I'm worried. (crosses her arms and hangs her head looking down at her hands)

Joan: (walks over to Karolyn and holds her hands) Baby, please don't worry.

The camera pans over Joan and Karolyn holding hands and then it pans up towards Joan's scar. Karolyn looks at the scar and runs her hands over the scar, tracing it up Joan's arm. 

Karolyn: (looks up at Joan) Mommy, daddy has not been Ok since the accident. He's not the same. He doesn't smile. He doesn't have fun. He sits and mopes. (pause) Mommy, he's just not the happy daddy that I know and love! (Karolyn begins to cry)

Joan: (holds Karolyn tight) Ssshhh... (begins to cry herself as she strokes her daughter's hair) We will be OK.  (wipes Karolyn's eyes and Karolyn wipes her mother's tears) Now, go upstairs and freshen up. I gotta go talk to daddy about our night out. We both can use it. (kisses Karolyn on the forehead). 

Karolyn exits the Kitchen and Joan exits behind her. Both go upstairs. End Scene.

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