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Scene 16: The camera pans to Aaron and Joan's bedroom. Aaron sits scanning the channels with his TV remote control. Aaron's cell phone rings and we see that it is Joan calling. The time stamp on Aaron's phone shows one in the morning. 

Aaron: (voice tired and raspy) Hey, babe...

The camera then pans to Joan who is staying in Toni's guest room. Joan is lying in bed with the bed covers over her. Joan is talking in a voice that comes close to a whisper but is very sexy.

Joan: (almost in a whisper) Hey... How are you feeling?

The camera pans back to Aaron.

Aaron: (lying back in bed - being a bit coy) I'm alright. How are you feeling?

The camera pans back to Joan.

Joan: (turning to her side in a sexy voice) I'm Ok... missing my bae. What are you wearing?

The camera pans back to Aaron.

Aaron: (rolls his eyes and laughs) Just my bathrobe... babe, you sure you're OK?

The camera pans back to Joan.

Joan: (still trying to sound sexy) No... I'm missing my bae. Is my bae missing me?

The camera pans back to Aaron.

Aaron: (politely spoken) Of course I'm missing you, babe. But it's late, baby. It's one in the morning here. 

The camera pans back to Joan.

Joan: (disappointed) Oh... that's right. I forgot about the time. I'm sorry, baby. I just miss you. (sighs and sadly spoken) Babe, we have not been intimate in any way in close to six months. (pause) Not that I'm counting, but... Yeah, I am counting. Aaron... I'm in need here. 

The camera pans to the other side of the bedroom that Joan is staying in and we see Maya lift her head from a queen size bed; we see that Joan was lying in a day bed on the opposite side of the bedroom.

Maya: (half asleep upset) Joan, can we get on with this? Cause I need to get some shut-eye here. 

Lynn: (lifting her head next to Maya on the queen-size bed - sounds exhausted) Maya ain't lying, Joan. Do you need me to call in so we can do a three-way conference call so I can help y'all out? Cause this is killing me!

The camera pans back to Aaron.

Aaron: (confused as he hears that Joan is not alone) Joan, what's going on?

The camera pans back to Joan.

Joan:  (throws her head back in frustration)  Nothing, Aaron... Get some sleep. I'll call you tomorrow... I mean later on in the afternoon. (pause) Good night, babe. Love you.

Joan ends her call and lies her head back very pensive. 

Lynn: (lifts her head - asking sincerely) You ok, Joan?

Maya: (lifts her head and sits up in bed) Yeah, girl... six months? You never said it was that long.

Joan: (lying her head back with her eyes wide open) Six. Long. Excruciating. Months. 

The camera pans a close-up of Joan's face with eyes slightly getting misty. Then the camera pans to Maya sitting up in bed with her arms around her legs with a pensive look on her face.

Maya: (sadly) Joan, you guys gotta figure something out. 'Cause, this is starting to kill me, girl. I feel like I need me some after hearing all that frustration...  and me and Darnell still strong, cause you know, I ain't y'alls age... wait a minute! Is that what happens when you enter the fifty club? 

Lynn: (sitting up in bed next to Maya) No, Maya. That is not what happens. 'Cause I'm still fiyahhh... (stops suddenly) You know what? No. Let's stop this talk cause this is not helping. Joan, what do you think is happening that you haven't tried?

The camera pans to the bedroom door and we see Toni stick her head in.

Toni: (halfway behind the door) Uhm, what is all the conversation happening in here without me? (steps inside the room and closes the door behind her)

Joan: (sitting up tapping the mattress so Toni can come to sit by her) Nothing girl... just some girl talk. We didn't mean to wake you up.

Toni: (sitting down on the day bed) You didn't wake me. I don't sleep much these days. But this isn't about me. (looks at Joan - sadly) I was listening... Girl, what is happening with you and Aaron?

Joan: (looks away almost embarrassed) Girl... it's... just...

Maya: (jumping in) Girl, it's been six months since Aaron tapped that and somebody's all hot and bothered. (to Joan) Girl, jump right in...

Toni: (leans in and holds Joan's hand) Joan... 

Joan: (quick response and looks around at all three women) Guys, I will be Ok. I'm trying to exercise patience... but... woo. With everything going on it's just a lot. I'm trying to be supportive of my husband...

Lynn: (jumping in) But momma got needs, doesn't she? 

They all laugh trying to lighten the mood. 

Joan: (laughing) You ain't lying! 

Toni: (sincerely looking at Joan) If I recall, I know my friend ain't no quitter and she gets what she wants. You'll wear that man down soon enough. But don't hurt him now! 

The women all laugh again.

Toni: Now let's bring the conversation back around to me. (serious tone) Tomorrow, I have my first chemo visit as my oncologist feels that he wants to tackle this a bit more aggressively. I need you all to help keep me grounded so I do not run out of that appointment looking like a crazy woman. Can y'all do that?

Maya and Lynn get up from the bed and go huddle around Toni near the day bed where Joan and Toni sit.

Lynn: (reaches to hold Toni's hand) Girl, we got'chu. You know how we do.

Maya: (reaches out for Toni's other hand) And we ain't going nowhere. Ever again.

Joan: (moves closer to Toni) And I am not ever losing my friend again. We will get through this and anything else the universe throws at us...

Toni: (turns to Joans) Yeah, like your sexless life... let's talk about that now. Cause the universe... girl, it got jokes on you! 

All the women laugh.

Joan: (lies back onto the bed) Jokes?! The universe has some kind of vendetta against me, ladies. The universe hates me. (begins to fake cry)

All the women laugh again. Then they all sympathetically pat Joan.

Toni: (to Joan) Joan, after my appointment tomorrow, get your flight back home. You have to go handle your business. We made up. I'm getting this chemoradiation thing started, I'm good. 

Joan: (sits up in the bed and looks at Toni) Toni, I don't have to rush home. Aaron knows...

Toni: (interrupts Joan) Joan, I know you sacrificed a lot to come here. I know you love me. You have always been the one to do more for others, to a fault, always putting your own needs aside. Joan, you have to look out for yourself and your needs. Go get your man.

All the women hug Joan as she begins to cry overcome with emotion. The camera pans on the women hugging. End Scene.

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