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Scene 5: Joan, Maya, Karolyn, and Shayna are in Joan's Mercedes SUV driving down the highway. Joan's radio is playing Toni Braxton's "Unbreak My Heart." Joan and Maya are both singing deeply and profoundly. Karolyn and Shayna are sitting in the back with AirPods scrolling through Karolyn's phone, as they are sharing music. The girls are giddy and laughing. Joan's phone rings and the audio Siri announces the caller.

Siri: "Call from Lynn Searcy."

Joan: (to audio) Answer it, Siri.

Lynn: (over audio) Joan?

Joan & Maya: (happy) Hey, Lynn! Where are you, girl?! (both women look at each other and laugh)

Maya: (quick attitude) And, girl!! You have abandoned us! 

Lynn: (laughs over audio) Ladies, I have not abandoned you. I've been in the studio for the last few days. Producing this album has been hard.

Joan: (speaking into the audio) Yes, Lynn. Because you want to write, arrange, sing, and everything else under the sun! Girl, let someone else do something! 

Both Maya and Joan laugh. We also hear Lynn's laugh via the audio.

Lynn: (over audio) Ladies, this project is huge! (gets excited) I mean, this project is with... (stops suddenly)

Maya: (leans in) Yeah, Lynn. Who is it with? 'Cause I have not heard a name drop since you started! (turns to Joan) Have you?

Joan: (shakes her head) Nope!

Lynn: (over audio) Some things are worth waiting for, ladies. 

Maya: (excited) Oh! This is huge?! Who is it, Lynn? Beyonce? Jay Z? Lynn, it better be Beyonce or Jay Z, 'cause I don't want to hear about anybody else!

Joan: (excited) Ohhhh! Lynn, is it Adele? Taylor Swift? 

Maya: (looks at Joan) Joan! It is moments like these where I don't even know who you are! Please, do not talk, girl. (shakes her head back and forth) Has my friendship been in vain? Hath I taught you anything, Joan?

Karolyn: (from the backseat) Auntie Maya, I am trying my best to get her right. (sighs) And she fails me every single time. (shakes her head and goes back to her phone browsing)

Lynn: (over audio) Hey, Karolyn & Shayna! 

Karolyn & Shayna: (in unison) Hey, Auntie Lynn! 

Maya: (leans into audio) Lynn!! Focus!! So who is the artist?

Lynn: (laughs) Nope! You will find out when it all comes together.

Joan: (to audio) Lynn, you have worked with Bruno Mars, Drake & JLo! Girl, it will come together! 

Lynn: (over audio) Joan, those were just for a few tracks. I still haven't had a number one single and it's about time! 

Maya: (leans in toward audio) We are proud of you, girl! Your success is our success! Woo!

Lynn: (over audio)Awwww! Thanks, My-My! Listen, where are you guys?? I'm leaving the studio early tonight and need a home-cooked meal. Joan, you have not cooked for me in weeks! 

Joan: (to audio) Lynn, I have been busy, woman. We have been drawing up the plans for J-Spot numero tres! What-what??!! 

Both Maya and Lynn scream and holler in excitement over Joan's announcement.

Maya: (excited facing Joan) What?! Joan, J-Spot number three?? Where??

Joan: (gloating) Well, William and I are flying down next week to... Miami, Florida!!!

All three women (Lynn over audio) scream in excitement.

Lynn: (over audio) Joan! You and William are vibing! I LOVE it! One in LA, one in New York City, and now one in Miami, Florida??

Joan: (gloating) Y'all know how I do! (laughs)

Lynn: (excited over audio) Joan, we have to celebrate!

Joan: (a bit somber) We will, girl. When the time comes. I have too much going on right now.

Maya: (rolling her eyes) Uh- huh... (looks out the window - almost in a whisper) You sure do have a lot going on.

Joan: (glances over at Maya) Maya... please. 

Lynn: (over audio) What's happening? What did I miss?

Joan: (glances over at Maya) Well...

Maya: (leans into audio) Toni called her...

Lynn: (over audio) What?!

Joan:  (glances over at Maya who is sitting with arms crossed) Look, let's do this right... let's get together tonight for drinks. We all need to regroup. 

Lynn: (over audio) Ok, sounds good. I promise I'll try not to be too late. I'll call you when I head out. Where are we going?

Maya: (excited) Oh! Let's try that new place called Cafe Birdie! I've been dying to try it!

Lynn: (over audio) OK! Cafe Birdie it is! I've been dying to try their East LA Fadeaway. Ok, let me go so I can leave on time.

Maya, Joan, and Lynn (over audio) all laugh.

Maya: (leans in) On time?!  Lynn, Joan, and I will have a few drinks and see ya when we see ya.

Lynn: (over audio) I'll see you heifers later! Bye, my two beautiful girls sitting in the back seat!

Karolyn & Shayna: (in unison) Bye, Auntie Lynn! Love you!

Lynn disconnects the call. Unbreak My Heart by Toni Braxton resumes playing on Joan's radio. Joan hits the stop button on her steering wheel and stops the music.

Joan: (glances over at Maya as she pulls into Maya's driveway) You are home, my sweet friend.

Maya: (gathering her bags by her feet on the floor of Joan's vehicle - leans in toward Joan) Joan, do not let Aaron change your mind about tonight. We need this evening together. 

Joan: (turns to Maya) I WILL see you later, Maya. 

Shayna: (from the backseat) Auntie, Joan... Can Karolyn come over while you guys go for drinks?

Joan turns around and faces Karolyn who chimes in asking "please" to be let go to Shayna's house. 

Joan: (facing the girls in the backseat and then turning to Maya) I think your Auntie Maya needs to make sure that it's Ok with your Uncle Darnell, and we need to clear it with your daddy and be sure he does not want your company. (Karolyn sits back in a small pout) We will figure it out. (faces window as Maya has exited and shut the door) Girl, I will see you later. 

Joan pulls out of the driveway as Maya walks into her house. End Scene.

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